Earth 101 in 7 short chapters Ch. 1 We come in as beautiful - TopicsExpress


Earth 101 in 7 short chapters Ch. 1 We come in as beautiful conscious seeds of Authentic Power here to grow and serve into greater love, wisdom and compassion Ch. 2 We look outside at all the pretty, shiny people, things and experiences, try them on, grasp for, and give our Power over to them, usually reluctantly and resentfully Ch. 3 We spend moments or years chasing illusions, trying to get our Power back in external ways, numbing our resentments, pretending we are fine and this is "normal" Ch. 4 One lucky day, we have a melt down (YAY!) and realize something is not right, and we sincerely begin our courageous search to Remember WHO and WHAT WE ARE Ch. 5 With great Efforts, Sweat, Rage, Tears and much Grace, we eventually find our way back home to the Authentic Power of our original Self... inside Ch. 6 And, now, here is the ironic plot twist... We then surrender, giving any and all sense of personal Power over to the Divine that has always been the ONE leading us in this whole-broken-lost-found adventure of the Soul Ch. 7 We live happily ever after, fully surrendered - as the experienced Human (who kicked ass out in the world), AND the conscious Soul (who expanded in more love, wisdom and compassion) - both now integrated, actualized and unified with the big "S" Spirit - forming the rocking HOLY TRINITY - able to now serve the world from a deeper and higher space This then, naturally leads to the next book HEAVEN 101... The Beginning
Posted on: Mon, 08 Jul 2013 06:54:31 +0000

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