Earthing Ambassadors One of the long-time enthusiasts of - TopicsExpress


Earthing Ambassadors One of the long-time enthusiasts of Earthing is Jim Healy, a leading pioneer in the research, development, and distribution of cutting-edge monitoring, diagnostic, and therapeutic technologies used by doctors and hospitals. Years ago, he participated in designing the first 911 paramedic rescue vehicles and helicopters. He is chairman of Lead-Lok Corp., an international medical products company headquartered in Sandpoint, Idaho. Many people who ground themselves and experience relief for one ailment or another often become “Earthing ambassadors,” eager to share Earthing with friends and relatives. Jim is one of them. Here is his story. “Ive been in the medical instrumentation field for a half-century. In the late 1960s, I started a company specializing in the inspection and upgrading of electrical equipment in hospitals to ensure that the equipment was properly grounded. If not, disturbances or spikes in the electrical current might create a life-threatening shock in a patient connected to a piece of equipment. It was all about grounding the equipment to prevent potential shock. Nobody ever thought that directly grounding a patient could be beneficial. “When I first heard about Earthing, it made real sense to somebody like me. Clint Ober demonstrated the concept by putting a grounded electrode patch on my leg. The leg was chronically achy. Within twenty minutes, it felt much better. I then started sleeping on grounded sheets. I noticed quickly that I slept better, and all the aches and pains that come with aging improved as well. “I then began to think of how I could help people close to me. One person I thought of was a friend’s daughter who had Multiple Sclerosis (MS). The results she got from sleeping grounded were unbelievable. She told me she was now able to get up in the morning without her usual aches and pains. “Some time afterward she came over to see me. She had been on vacation for a month. She said she hadnt taken her grounded sheet with her and was still feeling great, saying, ‘as good or better than before when I was sleeping on it.’ Now, back at home and sleeping on the grounded sheet again, she wasnt feeling any difference. She wasnt sure the sheet was working anymore. “I was curious. I asked where she went on vacation. She said Baja California. She and her boyfriend had rented a cottage on the beach. More questioning on my part revealed that for most of the month she never wore shoes. She walked on the sand. She went swimming and snorkeling. “ ‘That’s the whole point,’ I told her. ‘You ‘were’ grounding yourself every day. Walking barefoot on the Earth. Swimming in saltwater. That’s super grounding.’ “ ‘Is that the same thing,’ she asked? “ ‘Absolutely,’ I told her. ‘There is nothing magical about the grounded sheet or the bed pad connected to a wall plug or ground rod. It is all about getting back to Nature and reconnecting to the Earth one way or another. You get the same effect barefoot on the beach or in the park or your backyard garden or sleeping on a grounded bed pad. The more hours you do it, the better.’ “She then wanted to know if Earthing might help her mother who had painful Rheumatoid Arthritis, particularly in the knees. Her mother, she said, put two Advils on her nightstand every evening. When she woke up in the morning, she would take the pills, wait an hour or so until they went to work in her body, and then finally get out of bed. Otherwise her legs hurt too much. “I heard back that after a couple of days of sleeping grounded, her mother wasnt taking the pills anymore. She was getting up in the morning without pain, and needless to say was very happy about it. Now, her husband, who was my friend, is a medical professional and a real skeptic. He was observing all this and seeing how it had helped his wife and daughter. He was very surprised about their improvement and then reluctantly told me his own story. He had had a bad left shoulder for years and because of the pain only slept on his right side. After sleeping for a while on the grounded sheet that his wife had put on the bed, he noticed that he was now sleeping on his left side without any pain. “Then there’s the story of an acupuncturist in town. One day, she and I were talking. She said she hadnt been riding her bicycle lately because of pain in one foot. She had treated herself but hadnt gotten any relief. So I gave her some electrode patches with a ground connection and said to give it a try. The following day she called all excited. She couldnt believe it. Her pain was gone. So she then invited some of her patients to sit grounded for a half hour with an electrode patch attached to wherever they had pain. She wasnt charging them for it. The women were coming in three times a week, sitting there, getting pain relief. I told the acupuncturist that if they would just walk barefoot in their gardens for the same amount of time they would get the same results as they would in her office. There is nothing magical about the current in the wire coming out of the wall. Most people just don’t understand the simplicity of grounding. “I also gave a bad pad to one of my company directors, a man who suffers with Multiple Sclerosis. He was also a skeptic. I asked him about it a couple of weeks later and he shrugged it off, saying he gave the pad to his daughter who has some aches and pains. He said he felt he was too far gone to get any help. A week later, he said his daughter had given it back to him and he decided to try it anyway. He had slept with it for three or four nights, and he said he couldnt believe the results and that much of his pain was gone. He was walking better. His legs didnt collapse as often. He still has MS, but his symptoms are greatly reduced. He walks without as much pain and is much more comfortable.” Source: “Earthing: The Most Important Health Discovery Ever?”
Posted on: Wed, 29 Jan 2014 01:13:43 +0000

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