Easter spells out beauty, the rare beauty of new life. - S.D. - TopicsExpress


Easter spells out beauty, the rare beauty of new life. - S.D. Gordon Enjoy the moment, have fun, follow your dream. The finish line, after all, is inevitable. - Paulo Coelho It is not often we celebrate Life. All we hear about is Death and we spend our own lives just running towards the inevitable finish line. We forget to LIVE our life along the way. We are distracted by material things. We settle for comfortable. We find ways to keep ourselves busy so as to not to have to stop and look inwards at what we TRULY want in our lives. We create dreams to chase that we feel are attainable so as to not have to face failure. Every day should be celebrated. and life should be lived to the fullest. Whatever your beliefs, Easter is a day to celebrate Spring and new life and to remind us that we have the ability to resurrect our own lives. If you are not enjoying the moment, having fun, following your dream and, most importantly, being true to yourself and your heart, then you are not living. Life is too short. Do what makes you happy. Be with who makes you come alive. Take the leap and make sure you cross the finish line without regretting what you did not do in your life. LIVE a life where you cross a finish line with no regrets every day, LOVE not for what someone can do for you but for how it feels to be in love and LEARN that holidays, and every day, are about US and that we should celebrate life and never EVER sell ourselves short. Happy Renewal Monday and happy running for all my friends running The Boston Marathon today. Enjoy every moment and embrace that finish line with no regrets!
Posted on: Mon, 21 Apr 2014 11:50:02 +0000

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