Easy-Kill Emanuel Trotted Out to Defend Nazi - TopicsExpress


Easy-Kill Emanuel Trotted Out to Defend Nazi Obamacare Displaying its typically unrepentant, in your face attitude, the Obama administration deployed Ezekiel Easy-Kill Emanuel this past weekend, to proclaim the virtues and success of Obamacare, even while making clear that its purpose is to kill people. Emanuel, one of Obamacares chief architects, is perhaps the most visible face of its evil Nazi intent—other than Obama himself. First in an Oct. 25 interview with Fox News, and then in an appearance on CNNs State of the Union program this morning, Emanuel arrogantly waved off all charges that over a million people had had their health insurance plans canceled in the last few weeks because these didnt conform to Obamacares standards, but that they would now end up paying much higher premiums and/or wouldnt be able to access healthcare because of the fiasco of the healthcare.gov website. To the charge by Foxs Megyn Kelly and CNNs Candy Crowley that Obamas promise, if you like your healthcare plan, you can keep it, was an empty one, Easy-Kill huffed and puffed, telling Crowley that the insurance plans that were just cancelled are not worth the paper theyre written on. Obamacare offers much better care, he insisted. He had told Foxs Kelly earlier that if insurance companies are raising their premiums or changing plans, or if employers are changing plans or not offering them, well, too bad. Thats not the government doing this. The numbers being reported on young people not signing up are irrelevant, he said. It will all be fixed in due time. The United Healthcare-linked Steve Zients, hired to fix all the glitches, is a great guy and hell take care of it. Making clear that Obamacare really is about killing, Ezekiel cited as its successes the fact that hospital re-admission rates are already dropping, and that one of its key advantages will be that a lot more care is going to be moved into the home—naturally, since hospitals and clinics are being shut down at an accelerating rate—and that this is very appropriate, because were going to have a lot more ability to monitor people in the home, fewer infections, fewer falls and a big cost savings. Louisiana Rep. John Fleming, also a physician with an active medical practice, challenged Ezekiels flippant remarks, pointing out that Obamacare means the end of the family physician and medical practices, rubbing in that Emanuel is not a physician in the classic sense in terms of actually seeing patients.... He sits behind a desk reading all of the studies.... but the people are now experiencing all the damage and hurt thats coming from this.
Posted on: Mon, 28 Oct 2013 13:14:14 +0000

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