Ebola, my personal Opinion: When the News Media is bored, it - TopicsExpress


Ebola, my personal Opinion: When the News Media is bored, it bombards the audience with every single snip of fear mongering headlines it can extract. Ebola virus is an absolutely deadly virus, but it is not known exactly how it is contracted or what causes the outbreak, when a bloom occurs. WHO (World Health Organization) asserts that primates and fruit bats can be hosts and carriers of Ebola viruses (There are other strains less dangerous). What is not known, is how many people are not affected by the virus, what is not known is how many people contract the virus, and live. I supposes (I did not research this part) that the outbreaks seem enormous and deadly, because they occur in heavily populated areas, impoverished areas, where documentation is hard to keep or is not kept. The news coverage of the latest outbreaks in Africa, blast headlines of many fatalities, assumptions, and opinions. The reality is the Ebola outbreaks are occurring in areas that are experiencing, heavy migrations of people whether it is due to conflict or drought. The three small countries are Guinea, Sierra Leone, and Liberia. combined it is barely the size of California, the population combined according to statistics is roughly over 23-25 million, average age at end of life around 57 years, other demographics are grimmer. With this in mind, it seems plausible that the areas do not have effective infrastructure, or access to healthy sanitary conditions, or medical. All things briefly considered it does not seem surprising that Ebola outbreaks would take over 700 lives in such living conditions, especially when the virus is assumed to transfer by body fluids. Below is a link to W.H.O. fact sheet on Ebola: who.int/mediacentre/factsheets/fs103/en/
Posted on: Sat, 02 Aug 2014 12:11:33 +0000

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