Eclipse Of The Church-The definition of a eclipse is meaning to - TopicsExpress


Eclipse Of The Church-The definition of a eclipse is meaning to become lined with something while temporarily obscuring that object. This for the church is a very bad demonic spirit. When the church lines up with darkness it creates glimmers of light in a world of darkness. The same conjured up miracles taking place. The same wonders taking place. In NO since of God’s word did He intended for His Bride to conjure up peoples imaginations to have, them get wild on the floor, have a unholy goose bump moment and never shed a ounce of light “TRUTH” into a unsaved soul. The smoke and mirrors game is to much for the unbeliever to buy into. A dark soul can only be free by the light to have the chains of darkness broken. TV ministers in their unholy nature having God’s children run a credit card to even get to the service is pure evil at on it’s best day, or charging to have them come into what is suppose to be God’s house to preach while having a Laundry List of items they have to agree to just to get them to show up. In america the division of the church is so great you could name it “The House Of San Andreas Fault” and that is putting it nicely. One of my last prophetic words that God gave me was about Televised Ministers being exposed for their corrupt ways and so it happened the next week, and the week after. So on 8/9/13 at 5:50am God spoke again to me again saying this, My children must know that God reigns. My children are looking at man not Me, God said. Why is that we give our attendants to the First Church that just split your family up. Or the First Calvary Church that split your heart in half because you were not good enough to go there, people have to know that God reigns not man they have to chase after God with all their heart. You stand idly by while a young lady does not know the true Kingdom of God because know one will show her the Kingdom, but for 365 days out of the year for two years she was bullied and then hung herself in the closet. Or the boy that could not please his parents, and knew nothing of the Kingdom of God so he climbed into the bath tub got down real low so he did not make a mess and shot himself because he was never good enough. If God’s Kingdom is to be Mirrored on Earth as it is in Heaven we must pursue the truth and the light and not obscure the light with church field darkness. The citizens of God’s Kingdom need to break the cycle of darkness by exposing the Light Of Christ to the world, not by sitting in the same chair every Sunday week in and week out. NOW GO BE A WITNESS TO OUR WONDERFUL SAVIOR JESUS CHRIST. Prophet Damon CCCM!
Posted on: Wed, 28 Aug 2013 10:51:10 +0000

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