‘Economic diversification will ensure stability’ For years, - TopicsExpress


‘Economic diversification will ensure stability’ For years, Nigeria has been solely dependent on oil as its major revenue earner. Successive leaders have been paying lipservice to diversifying the economy. In this interview with Daniel Essiet, Director-General, African Centre for Supply Chain Obiora Madu believes the time has come for the government to grow the Small and Medium Scale Enterprises (SMEs) subsector as the engine of the economy because of its ability to create jobs and foster stability. How has Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) helped in growing the gross domestic product (GDP) and aiding job creation? Nigeria is the biggest beneficiary of Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) in Africa. FDI inflows have been growing enormously over the last decade from $1.14 billion in 2001 and $2.1 billion in 2004, reached $11 billion in 2009, according to United Nations Conference on Trade And Development (UNCTAD), making the country the 19th greatest recipient of FDI in the world. Nigeria’s most important sources of FDI have traditionally been the home countries of the oil majors. The United States is present in Nigeria’s oil sector through Chevron and Exxon Mobil with an investment stock of $3.4 billion as at 2008. That is the latest figure available. The United Kingdom (UK), one of the host countries of Shell, is another key FDI partner. UK FDI into the country accounts for about 20 per cent of Nigeria’s total foreign investment. As China seeks to expand its trade relationships with Africa, it is also becoming one of Nigeria’s most important sources of FDI; Nigeria is China’s second largest trading partner in Africa, next to South Africa. From $3 billion in 2003, China’s direct investment in the country is reported to be worth about $6 billion. The oil and gas sector receives 75 per cent of China’s FDI. Other significant sources of FDI include Italy, Brazil, the Netherlands and France. Experts are canvassing reduction in government size and expenditure. What solutions would you prescribe? Governments everywhere face pressure to provide public services better, faster, and cheaper than before. Lean methods have been used by governments of various sizes across North America to meet this imperative. This method has particular promise for public-sector organisations because it doesn’t require lengthy planning and implementation cycle. It strives to make the best use of the talents and ideas of those who work in the process and focuses on the value that public services create for the citizens and how to maximise that value. Governments want to deliver better education, better healthcare, better pensions, and better transportation services. Governments know that the impatient electorate expect to see fast change. But the funds required to meet such expectations are enormous. The need to get value for money from governments at all levels is, therefore, under the spotlight as never before. But cost-cutting programmes that seek savings of one to three per cent a year will not be enough and in some cases may even weaken the quality of service. In the past two decades beginning from the 1980s, there has been growing realisation among some public servants, politicians, activists and academics around the world regarding the inherent weaknesses of government bureaucracy. From the industrial states of Europe and the United States to the developing and underdeveloped countries of Africa, Asia and Latin America, bureaucratic dominance is often viewed not as a solution to the problems of public administration, but the source of these problems. Lean is a management culture that emphasises the centrality of the customer as well as accountability for results. The main objective of implementing Lean is to achieve more transparency, more efficiency and more quality as well as reduction of expenses. What do you make of the export outlook this year? The outlook for export this year is not going to be different from last year’s. In fact, the media have reported some decline in revenue from non-oil compared to 2012. However, with the flurry of activities in the agric sector, we are likely to see a surge. The unfortunate thing however, has been that we continue to export raw agro-produce and this does not pay us. Our manufactured export is low for obvious reasons. President Goodluck Jonathan in his message to a recent non-oil export conference made it clear that if the country must achieve its set goal of becoming one of the top 20 largest economies of the world, it must embrace manufacturing and the non-oil sector, and that the country must develop the non-oil sector with resources from oil. The sustained volatility of world oil prices, the global tendency towards a diversified export based economy and the urgent need to expedite the process of economic growth has made it imperative that we either focus on non-oil export or we regret it. How are Nigeria’s exports doing in the global market? In terms of agro-produce, tropical crops grow in the tropics and those who leave outside the tropics have no choice but to buy. But that notwithstanding, we have acquired for ourselves a reputation of unseriousness, particularly in executing export contracts. This has adversely affected the level of interest in our export products. The result is that people ship products from Nigeria and label them as either Ghanaian or Burkinabe products. A typical example is in shea butter. What sectors of the economy benefit the most from export trade? When you mention export, everybody’s mind goes to the traditional agric produce but, indeed, so many sectors in the country are exporting without people knowing it. However, let me talk about the not-too popular export of services. Trade in services refers to the sale and delivery of an intangible product, called a service, between a producer and consumer. Trade in services takes place between a producer and consumer that are, in legal terms, based in different countries, or economies; this is called international trade in services. The International Trade Centre in Geneva has said by 2050, 80 per cent of workers around the globe will be working in the service sector and that services account for approximately two-thirds of the world’s economic activity. Trade in services contributes over 20 per cent of world trade and over $1.3 trillion annually. Currently, over half of the world’s workforce is employed by service firms, which also create most of the new jobs. The contribution of services to Gross Domestic Product (GDP) in many of the countries is well over 50 per cent and in some cases, as high as 70 per cent. Furthermore, new information and communications technologies are increasing the tradability of services. Trade in services is expected to represent half of all world trade by 2020. A survey of the services sector in Nigeria, I conducted for ITC in 2006 revealed that 42 per cent of its trade performance is traceable to the services sector. Identified sub-sectoral activities with high export potentials include engineering,telecoms, healthcare, catering, tourism, architecture, accountancy, courier, business and management consultancy, among others. Emerging markets were also identified in business advocacy both at the public and private sector levels. It is doubtful, however, if the nation is aware of the potentials of this sub-sector and its ability to contribute immensely to the country’s economic diversification agenda. Nigeria’s tourism industry, for instance, is a big gold mine that is yet to be excavated, the same goes for our film industry with our home videos making waves in homes around the world and yet no coordinated approach to ensuring its official exports. What are the challenges to export market development? The challenges are mainly policy failures. This is why our export has not progressed in spite of the interest shown by the government. There are other challenges within the sector. This includes absence of relevant support structure. This issue is vital. The export sector is large and needs so many hands on deck in the chain. This means that if any section is not working, others will be affected. It shouldn’t be only the concern of the Ministry of Trade and Investment. You notice that inadequate attention is paid to the small and medium scale enterprises in our export policies. As a strategy, globally SMEs are supported because they offer considerable potential for exports. However, in spite of a deliberate policy of providing support to SMEs adopted by many countries, this potential is yet to be fully exploited. This assertion was made by the ITC. It said there seems to be insufficient awareness on the part that can be played by export development companies towards coordinating the SMEs and channelling their exports. This observation is as relevant today as ever, particularly in Nigeria. A close study of our export sector shows clearly that we have never considered training in international trade important. Perhaps because our importers open letters of credits and receive their goods and our exporters seem to be “doing something”, we erroneously jump to the conclusion that we do not need training. Nothing could be farther from the reality. All countries that are serious with export, place a lot of emphasis on training because the quality of a nation’s export output is a reflection of the quality of her manpower. If we can possibly quantify the losses incurred and the image problem created by lack of training in this sector, then we will appreciate the importance of the need to quickly address this situation. Do you see any export potential in our film industry? It is doubtful, however, if the nation is aware of the potentials of this sub-sector and its ability to contribute immensely to the country’s economic diversification agenda. Nigeria’s tourism industry, for instance, is a big gold mine that is yet to be harnessed, the same goes for our film industry with our home videos making waves in homes around the world, yet no coordinated approach to ensuring its official exports. In the face of unfavourable developments in the international oil market, which is likely to be with us for some time to come, Nigeria must seek alternative exports or face the unhappy consequences of constantly reduced foreign exchange earnings. The export industry is an exceptionally dynamic sector. Consequently, it requires a system of proactive and future-oriented strategic policies and measures, which will have to be constantly reviewed, adapted and improved to ensure its effectiveness. What is the precondition for effective export promotion? Exporting is an important factor of economic growth, therefore, export promotion is a critical consideration for economic development of each country. As a public policy component, government-sponsored programmes must be developed to promote export. Promoting export activity, particularly by traditional exports and new export products, is essential for progress in this area. Currently, the government is the principal provider of export assistance to the business community, but the government alone does not have all the resources, the staff, the expertise, or the communication channels needed to wage such a broad-based promotional campaign. For this reason, the government needs to develop broader and deeper partnerships with the private sector. Export promotion is a high economic priority for virtually every country. While facilitating the expansion of existing export product lines is an obvious concentration area. It is in the promotion of new export products, and the exploitation of new markets that can provide special help to home enterprises. For developing countries, external markets pose several kinds of problems. First, home exporters do not know the basic environment in foreign states, and do not have the capacity to invest in exploration, much less pay consultants to advise them on entry strategies. Associations of exporters at home confront a like problem, though on paper they should be able to carry out market surveys and the like. Secondly, foreign regulations on safety and environmental standards, and other norms laid down by potential markets are little understood by home exporters, and pose real non-tariff barriers (NTBs) to entry. Also, home exporters lack credibility with potential foreign customers, and this becomes a chicken-and-egg syndrome, making it difficult to break this cycle of unfamiliarity. Overall, the economy has managed to navigate the financial crisis relatively well. We expect economic growth to accelerate. However, as the economy recovers, we face different challenges which were at the centre of the crisis. In terms of manufacturing, the outlook is said to be slow. What is your take on this? An economy with consumption mentality will face the same challenges we are facing. The real sector is not working. Where are the manufacturing companies? Are SMEs growing or dying? If any economy is not growing, forget about the GDP and look at the reality on ground. Who will employ the army of half-baked graduates that you churn out yearly? As we speak, the few companies that are still afloat are groaning under terrible conditions that affect their competitiveness – ranging from infrastructure to human capital challenges occasioned by the half-baked graduates coming out of our tertiary institutions. The universities were shut and as soon as they resumed, examination were administered. What do you expect from such a system? We must address both the hard and soft infrastructure to help our industries to survive. What advice would you give policy makers to help the economy and exporters? It is imperative that SMEs policies have an export orientation at the point of conception. This would culminate in the entrenchment of a wide-spread export culture in the country. Experiences of industrialised countries have proven that SMEs are the pivot of exports because they account for at least 60 per cent of export activities. With SMEs at the centre of exports, repatriation of proceeds is monitored and guaranteed. It is in recognition of this type of advantage that UNIDO has supported the Federal Ministry of Trade and Investment in establishing and organising the Aba leather products-cluster. This strategy should be extended to other products. Nigeria is no doubt one of the most promising countries in Africa and its potential as a net exporter of agro industrial products, manufactures and services has never been in doubt and will continue to attract high interest from the international business community. Results from the two major interactive stakeholders fora organised by the Federal Ministries of Commerce and Finance have indicated the preparedness of the private sector to accept the challenge of driving the economy. This acceptance is however, predicated on the ability of government to provide the enabling environment. Nigeria is no doubt one of the most promising countries in Africa and its potential as a net exporter of agro industrial products, manufactures and services has never been in doubt and will continue to attract high interest from the international business community. In an economic environment characterised by changing technology and market trends, how do SMEs’ export firms cope? Access to finance has been singled out as one of the major challenges impeding the survival and growth of SMEs in Africa. Significantly, few SMEs owners, who apply for finance, get it. The ability of SMEs to grow depends on their potential to invest in restructuring and innovation. All these investments require capital and, therefore, access to finance. Against this background, the repeated conception of SMEs about their problems regarding access to finance is a priority area. Lack of adequate credit for SMEs is traceable to the reluctance of banks to extend credit to them owing to, among others, poor documentation of project proposals as well as inadequate collateral by SME operators. Developmental policies weigh in favour of large firms and sometimes foreign-owned firms leaving SMEs in distressed and vulnerable position. The problem of access to information may be attributed to the inadequacy of SMEs-support institutions. This points to the need for supportive policy to encourage the establishment of documentation centres and information networks to provide information to SMEs at affordable price. What is the most cost-effective and quickest method to stimulate the economy and support job creation? Successful employment creation hinges on a triple E – Education, Employability and Economy. That means that we must strategically deal with the three issues before we can achieve a substantial success in our employment generation. What is the quality of our education? Who is to blame for the quality? If you train soldiers for previous wars, can they fight the present ones, not to talk about the future wars? The answers to the above questions will address the first two Es on the economy. Also the SMEs hold the ace if there is a deliberate effort to help them grow. Some time ago, when the minister of Trade and Investment was in Finance, three sectors that have the capacity to generate the largest number of employment were identified.They were Business Process Outsourcing (BPO), Construction and Entertainment. It was unveiled and some meetings held but as soon as he left, nothing was heard of that again. The South African government identified BPO and Tourism as their target for economic growth and employment generation. You fly into South Africa, from the airport everything speaks to you about these two sectors. This policy sommersault of changing what the predecessor started, will lead us nowhere. We need to get strategic and show seriousness from the top and pursue our dream to a logical conclusion. Grow the SMEs if you wish to grow the economy. Show consistency in policy implementation. As much as we do not want quick fixes, let us go for low hanging apples that will give us good results in the short run. Declare a state of emergency in our education sector and overhaul the education system to address current and future challenges. cated on the ability of government to provide the proverbial enabling environment. It is, therefore, in recognition of this that recommended solutions need to be vigorously pursued via the vehicles of the attached specific projects. In doing this also government must accept and act on the fact that a lot of financial investments must go into the creation of the necessary support structures towards making trade the hub of the nation’s economic development and growth. Nigeria is no doubt one of the most promising countries in Africa and its potential as a net exporter of agro industrial products, manufactures and services has never been in doubt and will continue to attract high interest from the international business community. February 10, 2014 at 12:06AM
Posted on: Sun, 09 Feb 2014 23:18:47 +0000

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