Editor’s note: In February 2014, Facebook announced that - TopicsExpress


Editor’s note: In February 2014, Facebook announced that it had reached an agreement to buy WhatsApp for an upfront total of $16 billion. The deal made cofounders Jan Koum and Brian Acton billionaires. Last night, there was an interesting Techcrunch post on how Facebook (FB) might acquire WhatsApp. What is WhatsApp? As my friend Ben Evans said a few weeks ago in Forbes , it’s “the biggest social network you’ve never heard of.” WhatsApp (Photo credit: abulhussain) Ben estimates there are now 200 – 300 million WhatsApp users, meaning the service is several times the size of Instagram and closing in on Skype. This makes perfect sense for Facebook. It is a web company whose PC growth is shrinking and must garner all new growth from mobile. I believe mobile isn’t in Facebook’s DNA, so it feels it must use its stock currency to buy interesting mobile start-ups and graft them on to Facebook, hoping some of their mobile DNA will rub off on them. That was the thinking behind the Instagram purchase and – even though some think Facebook overpaid – I think it was a very shrewd move on their part to co-opt one of the hottest mobile start-ups out there and turn possibly “the next Facebook” into merely a subsidiary of Facebook. Of course, the FTC looks at things as they are today, instead of how they might be down the road and perfunctorily approved the deal. Good on Facebook and Mark Zuckerberg. Now, with WhatsApp, Facebook is using the same playbook. Hot start- up. Very popular overseas. Enormous growth and that growth is still in its early innings. They actually make a ton of money already, unlike Instagram which, to date, makes zero revenues. A business model that actually works in the mobile world (99 cents a download) instead of ads. 10 billion messages a day. No wonder Facebook wants to buy it and get themselves some of that magic mobile pixie dust. There are really only two people who can stop Facebook from buying WhatsApp: the WhatsApp founders, Jan Koum, 36, and Brian Acton , 40. Both are longtime Yahoo YHOO -1.24% (YHOO) employees who, in 2009 amidst the aftermath of the financial crisis, founded a messaging service that they aimed to be the biggest cross-platform one in the world. Three years later, here they are. Although Facebook or someone else – possibly Yahoo, since they need a messaging service and are also attracted to the cross-platform agnosticism of WhatsApp – could make these two guys very rich by buying them, there are many reasons why Koum and Acton shouldn’t sell and play this for the long and tough independent road. Why? 1. Were Chad Hurley, Steve Chen, and Kevin Systrom smart or dumb to sell out? This is not a shot at any of those guys. At the time they sold YouTube and Instagram, the media heralded them as brilliant entrepreneurs who were receiving gobs of money ($1.6B and $1B respectively), far in excess of what their services were really worth. Yet, 7 years removed from the YouTube sale and 7 months removed from the Instagram sale, these founders look like they got completely snookered. Had they stayed independent, these founders would have overseen businesses that would have been vastly more powerful than they were then and perhaps more than they are now under new management. 2. But don’t a lot of start-ups fail, and so isn’t it smarter for an entrepreneur to take a bird in hand rather than two in the bush? A lot of start-ups do fail. But it’s important to draw distinctions between the Twitters, Facebooks, Googles, and WhatsApps of the world from the Meebos of the world. In a given decade in technology, there are only a handful of companies that come along that have a chance to plot a course to stay independent and end up exerting an enormous influence on the rest of the tech ecosystem. Facebook was one. Twitter was one. And WhatsApp is one. 3. Selling WhatsApp to Zuckerberg in 2012 would be like Zuckerberg selling Facebook to Yahoo in 2006. You guys used to work at Yahoo. You know what would have happened to Facebook as a subsidiary of Yahoo: Ross Levinsohn would have “sunsetted” it earlier this year when he was CEO. Do you think Facebook is any different now than Yahoo was then? Come on. Both of you are middle- aged when it comes to tech – 36 and 40. You’re not like some 20- something who’s never been around the block. All the hope and promise and potential for WhatsApp will die the day you hand the keys over to Mark Zuckerberg. 4. You will never have a better business idea than WhatsApp for the rest of your lives. Last June, I wrote an article that argued that we will only really have one good business idea our whole lives. Yet all entrepreneurs overestimate their intelligence and underestimate the importance of luck and being at the right place at the right time with the right product. Most entrepreneurs – especially the 20-somethings in the Valley – have had success come along too easily and take for granted how difficult it will ever be to recreate that success. Will we ever hear from Ev Williams, Biz Stone, Kevin Rose, Sean Parker, Shawn Fanning, or Hurley and Chen again for a company they founded? I hope I’m wrong and we do. I think history shows pretty clearly though that the probabilities are such that we won’t. There will always be some VC willing to give you a boatload of cash now that you’ve struck the gusher with WhatsApp, but that’s no reason to sell WhatsApp now and try to recreate the wheel. Let’s be real, if you sell now, you’ll probably never get back to where you are right this instant. And you guys are 36 and 40. This is it. You’ve hit the mother lode with WhatsApp. It’s time to play for keeps. 5. How long would you last reporting to a 28 year old like Zuckerberg? How much fun would it be getting up to go to work in the morning? Be honest. You wouldn’t be able to take it. It would be one thing if he was wooing you by saying that Facebook was going to become a subsidiary of WhatsApp and he’d report to you, but that’s not what he’s saying. Stick to your guns. 6. Deep down, you’ve said stuff like this to yourselves already. Like: “ When we sat down to start our own thing together three years ago we wanted to make something that wasn’t just another ad clearinghouse. We wanted to spend our time building a service people wanted to use because it worked and saved them money and made their lives better in a small way. We knew that we could charge people directly if we could do all those things. We knew we could do what most people aim to do every day: avoid ads.” Have you seen Facebook ad-ify Instagram? That’s where WhatsApp would be heading. And don’t forget Koum’s tweet from June: “totally agree with Vinod Khosla. people starting companies for a quick sale are a disgrace to the valley…” 7. You don’t have dumb VCs who have effective control of your company pushing you to sell your company so that they can get liquidity for their LPs. Ultimately, this was Systrom’s biggest mistake at Instagram. He sold too much of his company away and then lost control — not effective control but psychological control. He couldn’t say “screw you,” when Zuckerberg came calling. And all those “friend” VCs on his board who told him it was ok to take the money and that he’d have lots of other opportunities to change the world were feeding him lines to serve their own interests. They put their own interests ahead of Systrom and the 12 other Instagram employees. You don’t have to let anyone tell you what to do. This company’s destiny is in your hands. 8. WhatsApp has a much brighter future as an independent company than Instagram did. You guys live and breathe this every day and I’m sure it’s obvious to you already. Instagram is a great app right now, but, once Flickr and Twitter get their acts together, it will bleed members. You’re already multiples bigger than Instagram and have a much stronger competitive positioning now and going forward (presumably this means your worth multiples more than them too). You’re going to be able to continue to ride the upward growth trajectory you’re on while facing little serious competitive pressures from the Kiks and BBMs of the world. 9. You can be the “next Facebook” – but only if you stay independent. Everyone always wants to know who will be the “next Facebook” or the “next Google” (GOOG). Peter Theil said it well earlier this year that the “next Facebook” will not look like Facebook, but be something new that the world hasn’t been before. Facebook didn’t become Facebook by being the next Google or the next MySpace. It became the first social network that really appealed to people in a broad way and didn’t overdo it with ads. You can be the next Facebook by being the first WhatsApp. No one today can see how WhatsApp can be as big or bigger than Facebook. But you do. You know that, if Facebook was a perfect social network for the web, WhatsApp is the perfect messaging service for the mobile world we now live in. Jan and Brian: your future is in your hands. I’ll let you make the decision that you think best serves you guys personally and the WhatsApp users. However, as a fan, I hope you decide to go for it on your own. Trust your self-reliance. It’s gotten you this far.
Posted on: Sat, 22 Feb 2014 22:49:50 +0000

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