Education in the New Age - Daily: Thursday, 30th of - TopicsExpress


Education in the New Age - Daily: Thursday, 30th of January [All points of past few days - long post, perhaps worthy to remember as we move forward with our theme.] I therefore beg of you not to resent the technical formulation of truth, for if education means anything at all, and if we are to consider the ways in which education is to be applied to bring about this bridging and synthesis, it is essential that we avoid that mental laziness and mystical inertia which are characteristic of so many mystics and the line of least resistance for many would-be disciples. It is necessary therefore that we grasp the facts that: 1. The new education will primarily be concerned with the scientific and conscious bridging between the various aspects of the human being, thus producing coordination and synthesis and an increased [35] expansion of consciousness through the establishing of right lines of energy. 2. The task of the new education is therefore the coordination of the personality, eventually bringing about its at-one-ment with the soul. 3. The new education will deal with, analyze and interpret the laws of thought, because the mind will be regarded as the link between the soul and the brain. These laws are the means whereby: a. Ideas are intuited. b. Ideals are promulgated. c. Mental concepts or thoughtforms are constructed which in due time will make their impact telepathically upon the minds of men. 4. The new education will organize and develop the lower concrete mind. 5. It will teach the human being to think from universals to particulars, as well as to undertake the analysis of particulars. There will consequently be less emphasis in future schools upon the training of the memory. Interest will greatly aid the will to recall. 6. The new education will make a man a good citizen by developing the rational aspects of his consciousness and life, teaching him to use his inherited, acquired and endowed equipment for the evidencing of the social consciousness and attitudes. 7. Above all else, the educators in the new age will endeavor to teach man the science of unifying the three aspects of himself which are covered by the general title of mental aspects: a. The lower concrete mind. b. The Son of Mind, the Soul, the Self. c. The higher, abstract or intuitional mind. or: a. The receptive mind or common-sense. [36] b. The individualized mind. c. The illuminating mind. 8. The educators in the new age will deal with the processes or methods to be employed in bridging the gaps in consciousness between the different aspects. Thus the Science of the Antahkarana will be brought definitely to the attention of the public. 9. The extension of this concept of bridging will be developed to include not only the internal history of man, but also the bridging between him and his fellowmen on all levels. 10. It will include also the training of the human mechanism to respond to life impacts, and to the soul. This soul is essentially intelligence, vitally used on each plane. It functions as the discriminating mind on the mental plane, as the sensitive consciousness on the emotional plane, and as the active participator in physical life. This intelligent activity is always used from the wisdom angle. 11. The new education will take into consideration: a. The mind and its relation to the energy body, the etheric body, which underlies the nervous system and which galvanizes the physical body into activity. b. The mind and its relation to the brain. c. The mind and its relation to the seven centers of force in the etheric body, and their externalization and utilization through the medium of the major nerve plexi to be found in the human body, and their relation (which will become increasingly obvious) to the endocrine glands. d. The brain as the coordinating factor in the dense body, and its capacity to direct the activities of the man through the medium of the nervous system. [37] In the above statements you will see how large is our theme, and yet it is one which I intend to cover with the utmost brevity, writing only a fundamental textbook which will serve as a signpost for the production of the new culture which will distinguish the Aquarian Age. Other disciples will later elaborate my theme, but the subject is as yet so little understood that much that could be said would be meaningless, even to the most intelligent.
Posted on: Fri, 31 Jan 2014 02:00:20 +0000

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