Education, under the current neo-liberalist state, remains a - TopicsExpress


Education, under the current neo-liberalist state, remains a pricey commodity afforded only to those with economic muscle. The poor, mostly black, continue to this day as was in the days of bantu education and missionary education, to receive an education that is systematically desifned for a particular group because they come from a particular race group and/or class. The divide in our education system across racial and class lines manifests itself in the huge disparities between black and white tertiary institution drop-out levels. The blacks, most of whom come from previously disadvantaged schools, a.k.a township schools, a.k.a quantile something...etc, who enroll into previously disadvantaged universities/tertiary institutions and so-called rural-based education institutions are most likely to have an extremely higher drop-out rate than their white companions. This has absolutely very little to the with the levels of intelligence between the two races but more to do with the neo-liberalist, capitalist-friendly education system whose sole purpose is to condition the african child, academically, into becoming a disposable tool of economic exploitation and the accumulation of interests. The educatio today, remains in the shackles of apartheid. The african child today is still taught, through the conditions of our schools and society, to be worker of white monopoly capital. Schools institutionalize this form of economic academic oppression and society manifests it. We have an education that is not producing sufficient and qualitative professionals in the various strategic industries that technically, practically and literally run the South African economy. Our institutions of further training and universities are, to an exceeded extent, producing a lot of entry-level professionals and very few specialist/expert professionals, specifically in the strategic sectors. Without us producing sufficient specialists (not medical), we will continue to outsource various tasks, projects and technical maintenance assignments to multi-national consultants, which by the way is costing the South African economy billions and billions of Rands. Cuba was able to counter this by nationalizing education, so to speak. They made education a freely, fairly and democratically accessible commodity for the entire Cuban society regardless of race, culture and/or religion. Today one of Cubas most valuable natural resources is her people. She invested in her people through education, now she supplies the global market with world-class Drs. What do we have? World-class CWPs? World-class admin clerks? World class Presidents? #Education_is_Key #Vote_EFF
Posted on: Mon, 14 Apr 2014 09:34:32 +0000

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