Egypt and the Gaza Strip .. The idea of "free trade" before the - TopicsExpress


Egypt and the Gaza Strip .. The idea of "free trade" before the coup : Entered the military operation of the Egyptian army in the Egyptian town of Rafah, southern Gaza Strip, a new turn, and by destroying the houses of Egyptian citizens in that border city, in an attempt to eliminate the rest of the tunnels under the border and which supplies the besieged Gaza Strip with fuel and basic materials. Mechanisms continues to work in the Egyptian army destroy tunnels dug by Palestinians under the ground for enter their lives accessories, Sometimes sweep these tunnels and other explode and blow up the houses from which, third تغرقها the waste water, where I managed to destroy most of these tunnels. And spread down the Egyptian-Palestinian borders hundreds of tunnels, where the workers are and who appreciate about twenty thousand Palestinians to bring in goods and basic materials and construction materials into the Gaza Strip. These tunnels have helped over the years, residents in the sector to overcome the tight blockade imposed by the Israeli occupation forces on them in 2007, where managed these goods that are entered easing of the blockade, especially in building materials and diesel. It is noteworthy that the Egyptian army destroyed most of the tunnels along the border with the Gaza Strip, and continue to work to destroy the rest. Anger in Egyptian Rafah And there is a situation of extreme tension in the town of Rafah, with the continuation of the Egyptian army to destroy houses and tunnels, and to prevent to go to the beach, at a time when confronted Rafah residents of this army lit tires in the streets and clash with him. What angered the Egyptians in Rafah is the destruction of those homes that is believed to be no bottom tunnels without allowing residents to take their belongings them, as well as talk about the imposition of the Egyptian army buffer zone stretching along the border with the Gaza Strip, and in fact from the sea to the west and even site Karam Abu Salem Zionist in the east, which is estimated fourteen kilometers in depth between 300 to 600 meters. He called the Egyptian army Egyptian citizens in the border city, which is located homes within this area to evacuate, as a prelude to fully demolished, with the settlement of other houses recently demolished to the ground. And feel the residents of Rafah Egyptians and Palestinians as well as the great change towards them since the military coup in Egypt in early July last year and the difference between the phase of the rule of Egyptian President Mohamed Morsi, and the coup regime. Morsi and Free Zone Talks during the rule of Egyptian President Mohamed Morsi for the establishment of a free trade zone on the Egyptian-Palestinian border, where it was discussed between the Palestinians and the Egyptians, and was selected for the trade exchange between the two sides and an end to what is known to the trade in the tunnels. It is noteworthy that trade tunnels intervention on Egypt nearly billion dollars annually, and for the transformation of Gazans buy Mark مستلزماتهم of Egypt instead of the Zionist occupation in light of the tightening of the siege. The government announced in Gaza complete rejection of the existence of any buffer zone on the border between the Gaza Strip and the Arab Republic of Egypt. He said government spokesman Ihab al-Ghusain on his "Facebook": "Gaza represents the first line of defense for Egypt and come from only good." He added: "buffer zones may not be between the brothers and sister state borders." He hoped not to devote this step the siege on Gaza and the sector exacerbate the suffering of the people, "he said, calling it instead, to strengthen relations between the two sides through the establishment of a free trade zone, which is demanded by the government repeatedly over the past period. Tightening of the siege For his part, analyst and economist Dr. Maher foul, that the closure of tunnels between Egypt and Gaza is an alternative to free trade and the flow of goods to Gaza constitutes an economic and social disaster and humanitarian Gaza. Typ told "Quds Press": "The tunnels are currently going through a difficult phase after its destruction operations by the Egyptian army, where there is a violent campaign during which the tunnels were closed more than 90 per cent of tunnels linking Gaza to Egypt." He added: "In the case of closing the tunnels without an alternative back what looks like the first box of the siege in 2007, especially in the loss of basic materials."
Posted on: Tue, 03 Sep 2013 00:33:55 +0000

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