Eight years ago on this day,my life changed dramatically. I was - TopicsExpress


Eight years ago on this day,my life changed dramatically. I was mugged at knife point on Parker street in Boston by two men who followed me from my car. I lost my purse in the mugging but I lost a lot more emotionally. I dont normally talk in depth about what happened. But these last few months have helped me heal in a way I never thought possible and so I want to heal a little bit more. Im not ashamed of what happened but I understand the taboo nature of my PTSD in our culture and that is really what I want to share. Ive spent years losing friends, having to justify why I dont want to go out or just having say no. For those of you who dont know, PTSD can cause panic attacks, anxiety, depression, insomnia, suicidal thoughts and/or flashback episodes. And it is terribly debilitating. At my lowest, I was having up to 5 panic attacks a day, was sleeping 3 hours total (though not at the same time) and had lost 15 pounds because my anxiety made me not have an appetite. I was also suffering silently and doing my best to smile if someone was looking at me. There is a picture of me from that summer that haunts me when I look at it because I look so ill and look as though I am forcing my face to smile. No one should have to go through that alone. On the bright side I am a huge advocate of mental health awareness and treatment. I openly admit to seeing a therapist and have one and off for the last 8 years. I also now am a huge advocate for acupuncture and what it has done for me Ina short period of time. I am healing in a way I never thought possible and for the first time in 8 years feel connected with my body. And as a result, I am exploring the possiblity of going back to school to become an acupuncturist. And finally, thru acupuncture I feel that everything that happened to me had a purpose. Ive never been one to ask why me but rather why. And now I have it. If you have read all the way down here, I thank you. My struggle hasnt been easy and whether you knew me then or not I appreciate and am grateful for having you touch my life at some point in my journey. Also, if you see a friend going through a hard time, be there for them in whatever way they need or encourage them to seek help should they need it. This life is too short to live in darkness and despair. Heres to 8 years of healing, love, caring and listening. #notafraid #ptsd #healthymind
Posted on: Wed, 25 Jun 2014 15:43:08 +0000

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