Either Tekmira caused the outbreak or it was biological warfare - TopicsExpress


Either Tekmira caused the outbreak or it was biological warfare initiated immediatly after military research secretly found an effective anti-Ebola treatment. Doctor Richard C. Davis says he developed a successful drug to combat Ebola at the Fort Detrick biological-warfare laboratory and that after this discovery and just two weeks before the first outbreak of the virus in West Africa the research was inexplicably shut down. To supply Ebola virus and test subjects in support of the Fort Detrick research The US Department of Defense (DoD) paid a contractor, the Tekmira Corporation, to Ebola trials on humans, injecting and infusing humans with the Ebola virus. These trials followed supplied specific research microbiological information to the Fort Detrick. When innoculation drug was discovered based on the Tekmira human experiments the Ebola outbreak had not broken the boundaries of contained experiments. The outbreaks in Guinea and Sierra Leone followed after. Davis says the research was inexplicably shut down two weeks before the first outbreak of the virus in West Africa. Let us assume that the outbreak is somehow connected with both the Tekmira live Ebola testing and the Fort Detrick work which has produced an Ebola fighting drug. Two possibilities readily present themselves. The first possibility is that the Tekmira corporation, when U.S. military funding of the research was cut, the corporation did not follow through with a clean controlled wind-down of their experiments. It is not known that all of those that Tekmira infected were given the new drug or if any received it. It is known that the breakout followed within 21 day asymptomatic period for hosts of the virus. Given that no one else was conducting Ebola experiments with live subjects in West Africa the probability of Tekmira being implicated in the breakout approaches 100% -- unless .. Davis says the research was inexplicably shut down two weeks before the first outbreak of the virus in West Africa. ... unless with a secret cure in the possession of the CIA/Mossad which have and share all such breakthroughs and can give the order to close the research and turn the findings over to other agencies -- someone decided that now was the best time to have a global Ebola epidemic -- the perfect insrumentality -- one that with the secret of immunization shared among the important people and true friends of the sustainable earth habitat of no more than 2 billion people, long the goal of the Judeo-Anglo-American ruling elites and their allies among the ruling classes of nations around the world -- perfect for depopulating the planet with no one the wiser that the epidemic was man made or that immunization against and minimization of the disease had been scientifically effected but kept from public knowledge. So which possibility is most likely. I think the evidence points only one way. The fact that the people in charge of containing the virus have notoriously made the wrong calls -- keeping open travel between the outbreak lands of West Africa and other nations -- giving false information about the time period during which carriers of the virus are contagious -- adopting quarantine measures that are inadequate for containment because they are unsuited to containing a disease where for up to three weeks someone can be a contagious carrier without exhibiting the first indications of fever and rash. Note, while the count of Ebola virons in a hosts blood is lower in the asymptomatic period, the virons are nevertheless there and are fully capable of infecting a new human host with the complete disease. If a certain degree of inter-personal contact would have, say and 80% chance of infection during the symptomatic period, it may be that a week before symptoms manifest that, because of a lower count, the chances would only be 60% or 40% and that two weeks before symptoms manifest the same kind of contact could result in transmission of the disease in only 20% or 10% of the cases -- that is still enough to put containment of the epidemic far out of reach of the current procedure of hospitalizing those who show symptoms and assigning people to trace the people that the newly discovered host has come into contact with. That method cannot work when carriers of the virus can infect others up to three weeks before it is discovered that they carry the disease. It is very easy to prevent those exhibiting symptoms from infecting others if the right quarantine steps are taken. As the discoverer of Ebola says all that is necessary is: 1. Gloves 2. Hand washing 3. Safe injection practices 4. Isolation of patients 5. Safe and rapid discarding of the corpses 6. Tracing of contacts and observation for a few weeks. But preventing the known infecteds from being a source of further transmission is one thing -- stopping the carriers who are carrying contagious Ebola but do not yet have a Ebola viron count high enough to produce the first recognizable symptoms is quite a different matter and one not so readily addressed. In fact it is from this quarter that all of the danger of a world pandemic stems. The procedure outlined above will not even begin to stop the spread of this disease -- as tracing becomes an impossibly large task as each new carrier may be spreading the disease for up to three weeks before his symptoms identify him as a source of contagion. Tracing is too much of a job and soon too many symptomless yet contagious carriers soon overwhelm the tracers capacity to keep up -- and in fact those doing the tracing will be working in an environment where they themselves will frequently be close to persons who are contagious who got it from somebody who got it from somebody else none of which are manifesting symptoms yet. A different procedure for containing this epidemic is needed -- and that technique does not involve sending soldiers -- new prospective hosts of the virus -- from other countries. These will be vulnerable, as are the tracers, to picking up the disease and bringing it home with them when their tour of duty is completed. THe soldiers will not be given 25 day isolation before returning -- because if the authorities required that it would be an admission that the current practice is all wrong. Dick Eastman Yakima, Washington
Posted on: Mon, 20 Oct 2014 07:17:51 +0000

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