Electric Human The Man Who Conducts Electricity with His - TopicsExpress


Electric Human The Man Who Conducts Electricity with His Body! The discovery of electricity has brought much benefit to the world, yet it also has introduced a new hazard to humanity that—other than in the form of lightning— was previously unknown. The tremendous advantages of harnessing electricity for our use must be undertaken with the necessary precautions such that the end result causes much more good than harm. Anyone who has accidentally touched a live wire will not quickly forget the decidedly unpleasant experience of feeling an electric surge race through his body. In America alone, 500 people die each year from accidental electrocution. The electric chair was long used as a method of carrying out capital punishment. Rajmohan Nair of Kollam, India, has the unique ability to grab a live electric wire and allow the electricity to pass through his body without suffering any ill effects. In one of his tricks, he attaches a live wire to his feet and sticks a light bulb in his mouth. Wonder of wonders—the bulb lights up! An average man would go into cardiac arrest if he was exposed to 1/10 of an amp, but Nair can pass a three amp charge through his body—enough power to operate a kitchen mixer. In another trick, Nair plugged himself into an outlet and connected himself to a hot plate. Everyone knows that hot plates use far more electricity than an average appliance, and if another person were to try this trick for even 1/10 of a second, he would not survive. Nair waited calmly in this position while a reporter fried some French toast on the hot plate. All he suffered was temporary blindness as a result of the stunt. How did Nair discover his unusual nature? He lost his mother at the age of seven and the depression he suffered brought on suicidal thoughts. Having heard grownups say that touching a live electric line could cause death, he climbed an electric pole and cut one of the wires from the transformer. Nair was shocked not to feel any shock! The very means that he had chosen to bring an end to his life actually brought him a new lease on life. Nair has since become world-renowned for his incredible capability. “It is G-d’s gift,” Nair says humbly. Scientists have no explanation for how this man can survive an electric current. A device used to test how much electricity a given person can survive indicated that Nair can survive 10 times the amount of electricity that would kill another man.
Posted on: Wed, 19 Nov 2014 07:25:29 +0000

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