Electromagnetic Energy: (Electromagnetic - TopicsExpress


Electromagnetic Energy: (Electromagnetic Radiation) Electromagnetic radiation (often abbreviated E-M radiation or EMR) is a ubiquitous phenomenon that takes the form of self-propagating waves in a vacuum or in matter. It consists of electric and magnetic field components which oscillate in phase perpendicular to each other and perpendicular to the direction of energy propagation. Electromagnetic radiation consists of vibrating electric and magnetic fields, which propagates at the speed of light (300,000 km/s in a vacuum). Electromagnetic radiation may also be regarded as a stream of particles known as photons. (Encyclopedia of Science - Online) Electromagnetic Energy is created through the continual cycling of energy, as the Omni-polar Ante-matter Tri-tone Wave (Partiki) of Sound Vibration projects its energy into Bi-polar Particum and Partika Scalar Waves of Light Radiation. Energy thrust expands into the particle Partika vibration point as electrical force. It then contracts into the Particum vibration point, creating magnetic pull, (in ration to its original electric thrust), as the third vibration in the Ante-matter Tri-tone Wave (Partiki) draws the energy back to its source. This process by which Partiki Units perpetually convert conscious energy into Bi-polar Light Radiation Scalar-waves (expansion) and back into Omni-polar Sound Vibration Tri-tone Waves (contraction) is called Partiki Phasing. (The Kathara Bio-spiritual Healing System Course – Page 13) [keylonticdictionary.org/] ________________________________________________ Divine Intention: (Kristiac Intention) Manifest Creation was set in motion upon the God-Source Original Divine Intention of: 1) Perpetual Motion 2) Eternal Life 3) Love Based 4) Co-creative, FREE WILL Expression (a direct reflection of the nature of God-source) The Free Will Choice is allowed even if that choice leads to the Choice of OPPOSITE EXPRESSION (Anti-christiac Expression) to the Original Divine Intention and Divine Will of God-source. (See: Synocracy, Krist Code) However, as God-source Divine Original Intention includes the characteristics of Perpetual Motion and Eternal Life expression, as well as the characteristic of Free Will Choice, (through which the Original Divine Intention could potentially be destroyed through Free Will Choice of Opposite Expression). It ALSO EMBODIES the characteristic of CONSERVATION of Original Divine Intention, which expresses in terms of NATURAL PHYSICS LAW as the dynamic of Cause and Effect or Action and Reciprocal Reaction. In terms of Natural Spiritual Law the dynamics of Conservation of Original Divine Intention expresses as the LAW OF RECIPROCITY, (also known as You will reap what you sow or What goes around comes around, which is the dynamic of CONSEQUENCE TO CHOSEN ACTION as the temperance to Free Will Choice. Cosmic Order is Designed to be SELF-SUSTAINING and SELF RE-BALANCING - Eternal System. (See: Attitudes & Responsibilities of Mastery) If through the excessive misuse of Free Will Choice, the Choice of Opposite Expression of Divine Intention reaches a point at which it jeopardizes the Perpetual Motion, Eternal Life expression and continued existence of Cosmic Order, the Cosmos itself will restore order and balance through Re-creation of the Divine Blueprint via the dynamics of cause and effect energy interrelationships inherent to the design of Cosmic Creation Physics Mechanics. (The Forbidden Testaments of Revelation. Page 17) FREE WILL choice is an attribute of God-source and therefore also consciousness once it is in manifestation. Opposing these attributes is also allowed, within certain limits, stopping at the point at which the characteristics of the original Divine Intention could become compromised. The line of demarcation, where Free Will choice of a manifest being is not allowed to affect the original Divine Intention, is at the interface of the Universal and Cosmic levels. The smaller Universal Seed Atom and Merkaba systems are allowed to be subject to the influence of the Free Will Choice, meaning that the Merkaba fields of time matrices, Universes, Galaxies, Solar systems, stars, planets, and individual beings can become damaged through opposite expression Free Will choice. (Introduction to the Monad - Class Module) When we use our gift of Free Will to direct our energies in a manner congruent with the Divine Right Order of Universal Unified Field Physics (which implies co-creative, non competitive co-evolution for all), the scalar-wave design of our personal Scalar Shields remains organized upon the intrinsic design of universal and personal Primal Order. (The Kathara Bio-spiritual Healing System Course - Page 179) The Starburst Cycle and the Star Fire Cycle and their inherent phenomena of intensive, complex Unified Field Physics energy manifestations, can be seen as the “Core of the Organic Immune System within the Eternal Kristiac Body of God-source”, through which God-source infinitely upholds the Eternal Life Intention, sustains Eternal Life Creation and maintains Infinite Health through Self-healing of potential life-threatening imbalance emerging from the Gift of Free Will. (Indigo Remote Planetary Shields Clinic Procedure for December 21, 2004) When manifest beings use their gift of Free Will Choice within the Original Divine Intention the state of AT-ONE-ment with God-source can be known and embodied while within the manifest experience. This is Co-creation. Being both a sentient individual manifest AND simultaneously KNOWING Oneself as a direct, embodied expression of Christiac God-source is known as the state of God-Actualization; this state creates the experience of FULLY ENGAGED NON-ATTACHMENT, (not DIS-ENGAGED DETACHMENT) accompanied by perpetual Unconditional Love, Peace, Spiritual and Material Mastery and Ecstatic Joy within the manifest arena. The Universal Christos D-12 Density Divine Blueprint Pre-matter Living Liquid Light Field represents a direct expression of Divine Will Original Intention and the embodiment of the Natural Physics Laws of Energy and Consciousness through which that intention is perpetually expressed. (The Forbidden Testaments of Revelation. Page 18) [keylonticdictionary.org/]
Posted on: Wed, 06 Nov 2013 14:55:45 +0000

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