Eleven days! We made it 11 consecutive days out of the hospital - TopicsExpress


Eleven days! We made it 11 consecutive days out of the hospital for the first time since the middle of May! We are loving being home!! Today, Carter deserves some attention because Charlie is not the only Super Hero at our house! Carter has been such a trooper through all that we have gone through! He is an awesome big brother, who has had to put up with a lot. Carter had his annual allergy testing today and unfortunately his allergies remain the same. When it was over his comment was at least I am not allergic to feathers or birds! For those of you who dont know, Carter is severely allergic to multiple things...all nuts, milk, soy, eggs, beef, pork, dogs, cats, grass, trees, dust....you name it he probably reacts :) (This is really not a sob story). Carter NEVER complains about his constant runny nose or the fact he cant eat ice cream or go to dinner with friends. He may complain he has a helicopter mom but never that he actually has allergies. :) We are bias, but he amazes us every day with how tough he is! As of now, the plan remains that we will go back to Minneapolis August 18th for appointments and a stent replacement on the 20th. The big surgery is still on for August 29th. We have sent Charlies records to Cincinnati for one final opinion. It likely wont change anything but as parents we want to be sure we are doing the best we possibly can for Charlie! Thanks again for all your prayers and support!
Posted on: Tue, 29 Jul 2014 00:37:52 +0000

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