Elijah! On Dimensions – Densities – Timelines – Spheres - TopicsExpress


Elijah! On Dimensions – Densities – Timelines – Spheres To begin our message I would wish to state that every soul; human being; and form of life possesses it own sphere or bubble in life. Just as every soul; human being; and form of life exists within its own density of life, and is kept in that density through the universal laws created within their sphere or bubble. Your sphere is a protective sphere but it is also a negative and constant acting sphere that allows harmful things in just as much as it keeps them out, depending on what that soul; human being; or form of life wishes or draws to itself in life. You see the most perfect form in all of existence and consciousness is the sphere, and this sphere we each have positioned around us can be formed or shaped to be whatever is needed or required in our created “Circle of Life,” and we all possess our own “Circle of Life.” So as it is God ( or you in your higher state of thoughts; consciousness; and existence), long ago created your present “Circle of life,” as well as all the different forms and humans you have represented within this “Circle of Life,” from the beginning of your being created as a soul. You as God in your higher densities have created many different “Circles of life” from eternity, and will continue to do so on in to eternity, and you exist presently in just one of those circles of life as the illusion of a human being, that actually exists within you in your higher state of consciousness as God. And so you exist within your (higher) self as a human being which you possess all knowledge of, and you exist outside of yourself as a human being according to the illusion. You began your existence as three dimensional things (that you created), such as rocks; sand; wood; trees; plants; and many other different forms or bodies within the three dimensional sphere, and every one of these many different forms you created have existed within its own sphere or bubble as well. As you grew in wisdom and knowledge you ascended or advanced to higher forms through evolution, but not like the evolution you have heard of in your world. You have not evolved from apes but apes have simply been another human species that you have not had the pleasure of communicating with because of the language barrier. Yes apes are down on the ladder of human evolution but they did not evolve into the human you see before your faces today, but are simply another species. So as we were saying each soul has come to grow and evolve and ascend in densities, and therefore every soul ascends in life, and when it appears to die it simply moves on to a new body and form (more evolved than the last one) and reincarnates back into the third density world as that body and form, or human, depending on the level of evolution. However you look at it there are three dimensions of space and geometry in this present third density world, and not first and second dimensions as some would have you believe. It takes three dimensions to even exist in this present material and physical plane of existence (height – width- and depth). So even if you are a rock you possess these three dimensions which makes you a three dimensional being within space not time. As far as first and second dimensions they only exist during the creation process within the spiritual realms within thought and consciousness, and cannot possess any form at that stage of the creation game. But do not confuse this three dimensional world or plane of existence for your many different forms of life to be the same as dimensions in time, as these are dimensions in space. And dimensions in time are spread out on the horizontal plane within these many different dimensions of space, and they in turn create timelines. We would also state that God (you) long ago created your bubble or sphere to surround your soul so as to keep your spiritual society and soul group intact, in order that it would allow in the spirits or souls who are welcome by you (or necessary for you creating your “Circle of Life”) not to mention that like will always attract like, and everyone’s sphere will cause like to enter or stay out, all according to the universal laws of attraction. This circle; bubble; or sphere around you that we speak of here is one that is spiritual in nature as it was created before your material and physical world were created. In fact all spiritual is created before the corresponding material and physical can ever be created, just as thought must always come before the physical manifestation of that thought. Everything that appears on the outside of your body and form today is actually within you, and all of that again, is within another spiritual sphere; bubble; or circle, that is within you as well, but appears to the human to be on the exterior. In truth there is nothing there at all, as all of it is pure consciousness manifested through illusion to appear to be material and physical, all created through the other illusions known as your human senses. Your protective sphere is in truth within your higher consciousness that is God (you as higher self) but would appear to be outside of your human body and form protecting you, and in fact that is what happens all according to the illusion, though the actual protection is coming form your higher self. In other words everything exists within you if you look at it as though you are now your God self, which is your highest self looking down on everything, and looking within to everything that is created within you by you. Everything is within you that exists, including all circles (or “Circles of life”); bubbles; or spheres of life; existence; and creation, by you. If you look at it from this prospective there is nothing actually outside of you, and this goes for you and every other soul that is in fact and indeed you. You are every human soul out there today, and they are you, though many do not yet know this. Going within however, where all the created bodies and forms exist with the illusion that they possess life, they also each possess their own protective (and harmful) bubble; circle; and sphere. As all is still your higher self or God outside of the bubble or sphere of each human soul, it is God that is the ether outside of you in the form of pure consciousness, as well as all other things and forms and essences according to the illusions of life, that every soul might at any time require or attract to themselves in their illusions of life. The sphere around each of you is invisible but it is there. It is the veil you have heard so much about in your past. And when that veil is lifted it is lifted to show you another expression of your life and self. The most pure body and form of all is Ether, and every human beings bubble; circle; and sphere is surrounding them in the form of ether. But as everyone knows ether can kill just as easily as it can give life. So when a human body is about to die in this world, no matter what the form of death, the humans bubble; circle; and sphere is flooded with ether of the most pure form and does not kill the human soul but causes an instant change, and that change happens in a moment, and in the twinkling of an eye, and the soul is gone to another plane of existence known as the “World of Spirits,” and fourth density. So death is not a bad thing as we see it ( according to our illusion and what we have been told for ages), but is indeed a very good thing as it keeps us moving on to a new body and form, and in actual ascension. For there is a personal ascension process and there is a universal ascension process, and every third density human who is to return to third density experiences the personal ascension, as they basically graduate to another grade or level of life after the illusion of death( whether in third density; fifth; or higher). So in getting back to what we said previously there are two forms of ether in all of creation and one is positive while the other is negative; one will kill a human soul (give the illusion of death)according to the illusion, while the other will help a soul according to the illusion. One can keep death and harm out while the other can allow it in, and it is all according to the state of a soul’s ether or bubble around them created from ether. One is the natural state of ether and is positive while the other is the unnatural state of ether and is the negative, all still according to the human soul’s illusion. What you see therefore as negative will be your negative and will be created when you draw on or take in the negative in life within your sphere, and the same will go for the positive. The bubble can open and allow in the outside ethers (all forms of harm or good) that are of another plane of existence or density of life, while it can also remain closed and allow nothing in, which can either harm or protect life as well, depending on your moderation of life which maintains a human soul’s equilibrium in life. In other words a loving mother ( in love, and therefore has no time to fear because of her love for the child and her fervent wishes to save the child) can care for her child who has the plague and never come to any harm or get that plague, while all others in the vicinity could very easily get that child’s disease( they fear the child and its disease) simply by the states of their consciousness at the time, and for the simple fact that their circle; bubble; or sphere allows that plague in out of the fear most possess when in the same area of a person or child with the plague. So you see fear is and can very well always be the enemy to your health and state of life, as your circle; bubble; or sphere of life always knows if you are in love or in fear of life. But as we do not wish to be too longwinded with this message we must move on. As it goes therefore dimensions exist within time and within space. There are numerous bubbles (atmospheres) around every human soul (as well as all other material and physical things) and there is a purpose for every separate atmosphere or bubble. You have one that provides time; another that creates space; one that creates densities of life and existence (so a human soul can exist on many different levels or densities of life that represent higher life or consciousness); one that creates timelines (so that a human can exist within many different worlds at the same time upon the same level of consciousness, or wisdom of life (not higher consciousness or wisdom like densities); and then you have your heavens and your hells. 1) Time 2) Space 3) Densities 4) Dimensions 5) Heaven and hell Note: Heavens and hells exist on every density and plane of existence, but they are indeed separated in the spiritual world and higher planes of existence In a way that one cannot ever harm the other, or interfere with their life and creations thereof. Within the higher realms order is indeed provided within the heavens and the hells, and they are not permitted by you (God) to interact with one another or threaten the free will life of a single soul. That is not the case in the lower realms of third density. Densities are what many in your world would call dimensions and at the same time dimensions are what many in your world would call densities. Just as third density or three dimensional forms are made up of three separate bubbles or atmospheres in the process of creation, so too is this the case ( a bubble or atmosphere surrounding each separate density) for fourth density; fifth density; sixth density; seventh; eighth, and on and on to the highest density that exists, which the numbers are infinite by the way. For, just as levels of God consciousness are infinite, so too are densities (which by the way are levels of God consciousness). Every density of consciousness or life or existence requires its own atmosphere or bubble or circle (whatever you wish to call it in term).Every timeline has its own bubble or atmosphere, every heaven its own; every hell its own; and everything (thought; affection; word; action; sense of a human being such as taste – touch – smell – sound – feeling – etc..); and consciousness, possesses its own bubble and atmosphere in life. So what we have so far is that densities are dimensions and they are both the same things though some humans or souls term it one way, and others term it the other way. When you move in the horizontal direction within the consciousness of God ( your higher consciousness) you have what is termed timelines, and they are finite in nature simply because the third density plane is finite. And we must also state that timelines are infinite, when understood from an infinite prospective. In other words timelines for you as a lower soul of God see your timelines as finite, but when you leave there from your present third density life and world others will come and take your place, and will continue where you left off with your timelines. So they will possess all your timelines plus the ones they begin creating from that moment on. Timelines will therefore be infinite now for you, but finite for them. You will now be your fully conscious higher self, while they will begin a new “Circle of Life,” within your God consciousness, and will therefore begin adding new timelines to those you left behind for them. And so timelines in the end are in the horizontal plane of existence and they will now be finite for you, and will all come together as one, so as to either form timeline number one ( the positive timeline) or timeline number two ( the negative timeline). Still you must remember that timeline number two is only negative to those who will enter into timeline number one, as timeline number two will actually be the heavens for those who choose timeline number two and actually go there in the Consummation of the Ages (happening even as we speak). Those who choose and go to timeline number two at the same time will see this timeline as their heavens as well, as they are the exact opposites to those who enter into timeline number two. Those therefore who enter timeline number two will see your heavens as their hells, and you in timeline number one will again see their heavens as your hells. In the end ther3e are no set heavens and there are no set hells as all are now fully conscious beings, whether in Service to Self in life or in Service to others, as there is no longer any right or wrong in fifth density and higher. All will be Gods, and all will provide for the free will choosing in life of the other, as all will create their own lives and world now. That is what is in the process of working itself out in your world at this day dear ones (we can only speak to the society of Daniel here) as all souls have the free will to choose another reality while in the process of creating their future world and life at this very moment inside of time (for time will exist for a little while longer) today. The heavens are separating from the hells, and those who live in the heavens will see their new life as the heavens, while those who appear to be living in the hells will also see their new life as their heavens as well. Your opposite twin in your world in other words represents your hells, while your present natural state of life is what represents your present heavens. Nothing will change in your new life and world you are each presently creating for the very near future, as your heavens will still appear to you as your heavens, and your hells will still appear to you as your hells, (and your opposite spiritual twin will still see your heavens as their hells, and their natural state of life as their heavens. Still, the terms heaven and hell are only made up terms and there will no longer be any heaven and hell; right or wrong; good or evil, in your new life and world, but all will “just be.” As we speak to you dear ones you possess an opposite evil twin living and existing in the spiritual realms, and they are living there just as you are living here on your planet earth, thinking they are you and that everything they do in life pleases them and is their actually heavens, while you here are thinking the same thing all along. The fact that your heavens might be more positive and theirs (your opposite twin) more negative means nothing as this is only polarity, and this is what causes order and equilibrium in the spiritual realms or within your God consciousness. So you see there will always be the opposites within Duality, no matter what density or level of life you come to exist in. You will exist as you on all densities of life and existence as you are everywhere (given the fact that you are God) to eternity. You will create many – many timelines from the moment you create another you within your lower existence as many new “Circles of Life,” (as well as many different humans and different forms) and you will continue within every one of these “Circles of Life,” as the human beings you come to represent within every lifetime and illusion, and will ascend every moment of every click of the clocks, within your many new worlds. You will ascend and awaken as an old soul many times over and other newly born and created souls within your soul group will come to take the place of those who move up the ladder of life and existence and consciousness. No more will there be right or wrong; good or evil; light or darkness; and all the many other opposites that existed in your past life, as all will now come together as one, and you will see them all for what they are, and how you wish to use every thought; affection; word; act; or form, to create and mold all your future worlds that are to come into being, created by you. Will all then be love and positivity in life, with no evil, bad, or negativity any longer to speak of? By no means, as we have just stated that what one side of you sees as proper and natural in life, the other side of you sees as not acceptable, as these things would no longer fit in their life. What is good and proper for you will be wrong for your opposite (God self), and what is good and proper for your (opposite God self) will not be acceptable to you. So what does not fit with one side of your God self or consciousness would all fit your other side, and what would not fit your other side would all fit the first side we spoke of. In other words you are God completely, and when you move back into full consciousness and are again connected with your higher and God self (fifth density and higher) all and everything will be yours, whether it exists as your “heavens,” or as your hells. You will have access to all of it now in life, as you have now lived life with the positive souls living along side the negative souls, and have now come to the point that you can keep the equilibrium just as was the case in the beginning, before you appeared to separate from God and move down into Duality. You did this to learn new things for your spiritual society and soul group, and now those souls are coming home to share all. In will not all be unconditional love and light, as you will have the free will to experience once again your opposite negative side as well whenever you please in life. It will be so much more different than you have ever imagined, as all the limits will have been completely removed now from your life. If you are living in your hell for a time they will appear to you as your heavens as only your side that agrees with these affections will ever again come to wish to enter into these realms of existence within your fully conscious being and self from that point of your ascension on in to eternity. We hope dear ones (the society of Daniel mainly as that society is most connected with out life; existence; ruling loves; and affections of life) that we have answered many questions you may have had in the past, and we hope this helps each of you to decide at this day what direction you will turn to, so as to create the most perfect future world and life for yourselves. We also hope you now each have a better understanding of what densities; dimensions; timelines; atmospheres; heavens; and hells are all about, and where these terms actually came from. We say to you all at this time that if you wish to move on and enter into the life and world that is in service to others, which is the positive side of God, then you must keep in mind that those leaders of this present world of yours are not in service to others, and are therefore pulling out all the stops to confuse you all, and provide you with much disinformation so as to trick you into thinking you are headed in the right direction. You must ask yourself whether the things they promise truly provide a life of Service to others, or Service to self in the end. What do humans really need in life? Is it more money; more material things; financial abundance; newer technologies that make it easier for your flesh, and cause humans to become ever more lazy; or new manmade world governments that do nothing more than enslave the population every time they come into office? These are not things that promote service to others, but they make life so much more pleasing for the flesh of a human, period. These are not the things you should be helping to provide to your neighbor, as they do not advance the soul, but hold it back. These things bind human beings to a third density world, and keep them there. Move on dear ones, and seek the higher things in life, and your ascension will soon be knocking at your door. We are the society Elijah and we come to you dear ones in unconditional love and light, as we are you!
Posted on: Wed, 25 Sep 2013 21:50:03 +0000

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