Eliminating The Candida State within a cancerous body, as well as - TopicsExpress


Eliminating The Candida State within a cancerous body, as well as restoring proper Intestinal flora in the gut(bifidobacteria), all while alkalizing the whole system and dumping toxins from the liver is an important factor in beating cancer, and Oils like Black Cumin Seed Oil decreases inflammation through the whole body, and helps to alkalize and eliminate candida state, and it is wonderful for total body healing, and has been studied for its anti-cancer benefits, and antitumoral benefits as well as protecting the body of radiation, and lessening harmful effects of chemo. Muhammod claimed it cured everything but death itself, and I personally find the oil extremely beneficial....Nefertiti used it as did Cleopatra, and a bottle of it was found in King Tuts tomb bc they knew the value of divine sacred plants and oils that have the ability to provide total harmony for the body, oils like Frankincense and Myrrh. But For heart health and longevity one would need to consume more LIVE fresh enzymes. For it is the enzymes that fuel the trillion of cells we have, not dead or cooked out nutrients. I juice, and help a few who have various stages of cancer, and other various ailments, learn how to consume more life enzymes for better health, and also learning to use essential oils, that if the liver is detoxified have the ability to cross the blood brain barrier to help regenerate and repair some damage done to the cells through the process of free radicals, the air we breath often times is very toxic, as well as all the flouride in the tap waters, calcifiying peoples pineal glands, where melatonin is not produced, and serotonin is not produced, as a result One might be in a bad mood, and have trouble sleeping. A healthy human body should literally vibrate between 62-78mHz, however most are only at around 55mHz bc of a candida state within the body. Sugar feeds yeast which creates an acidic/candida/inflamed state. All forms of sickness are a result of some type of inflammation in the body, and when you learn to consume more fresh LIVE enzymes then one can begin to detoxify the liver, as the liver Holds the KEY to LONGEVITY. Things like the beet can help flush the liver, but dont start with to much beet, bc this might put you in the bathroom for days...Trust me I did that when I myself was detoxing. I had years of calcification between my joints and uric acid build up, as my entire body was inflamed, this is why I do what I do now to try to help others, bc even my brain was inflamed w the acidic state within my body. I learned the benefit of going back to nature, going back to organic, and what helps repair, and restore damage done to my body. When someone consumes low vibratory foods, meaning cooked enzymes, packaged, gmo, poisoned, processed, microwaved, radiated, pasteurized, this strips all the nutrients out of the food, this only adds to oxidative stress at the cellular level, creating things like cancer... What fuels the every cell in the Electric body (just like our electric universe) is raw Live enzymes. When someone starts to detoxify, then the intestinal flora begins to get restored, and the alkalinity begins to normalize, and the whole system decreases inflammation. Things organically provided by nature does this, our wonderful Earth that resonates at 7.83Hz, as does the sun vibrate as well as every LIVING thing. Live foods, carry live vibrations, and this is a way to restore harmony to the body. After the liver is FLUSHED of toxins then other organs soon follow, as the liver is the regulator, and the Key to longevity and all the other organs will follow harmoniously after, in my opinion, We need to treat the root of all the issues when dealing with wanting to heal the body, and not just treat the symptoms. I have a new little juicing group and we are all simply having fun and helping each other get healthy, it is called facebook/juicerelovution If you want to check it out, I have instructions there on how to begin to detoxify the body, just starting out. I do not claim to know everything, I really do not, but I do have a passion for knowledge and I did sell and train others on supplements for years before with the work I did, but when a friend got sick with cancer, I changed up my priorities in life, and I also changed my lifestyle, I no longer consume acidic forming foods, that acidify and inflame the body, I was also addicted to a certain soda, and this was also wreaking additional free radical damage, and oxidated stress to the cells, eventually the cells will become damaged, and then get cancer. 95% of all cancers are not genetic, they are us doing our own damage to our bodies, as well as certain other factors that are inevitable with the air and the soil on our earth right now polluted with so many toxins and chemicals, one also needs to learn the value of an oil like black cumin seed for this as well as Zeolite, For Zeolite pulls the heavy metals out of the body, while leaving precious nutrients alone, something that even activated charcoal can not do. Btw, zeolite also removes fluoride build up, in the body, as well as just our bathing water, so just know that as well bc Our skin is like our third kidney, and it absorbs many toxins from the bathing water and zeolite helps to strip this, there is a shower filter also with Zeolite, and Shungite which also removes chloramine, and fluoride and various other pollutants from the water so you do not have to bath in toxins, for all these toxins are storing in the liver and aging and wreaking havoc on the cells bc it was toxic and inflamed in the beginning with the candida state within the body. This is long, wow, holy cow I typed a lot. Truly all I want to do is to help others, I find I am blessed, when I help bless others and pass on what we know works for us, to others who may need help. So that is all I am trying to do and mean no disrespect to anyone, and I share natural news with my little juicing group often and I am very thankful for all you guys do. Here is a link to my black cumin seed video, if you want to watch it. I started a youtube channel with the hopes to help many others, so check it out if you want. My production quality is not great, but love flows from my heart with pure passion for the love of God giving Nutrients. Thank you for reading my extremely long comment...Haha.facebook/juicerelovution and facebook/eohealing is the essential oil group! . Thank you so much. Peace and love to all you guys. By the way I am very appreciative for all you guys share, Btw,youtube/watch?v=GwBAPPVVlxw
Posted on: Thu, 22 Jan 2015 02:07:05 +0000

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