Elizabeth Farrelly is spot on. Newcastle is not a cow paddock, or - TopicsExpress


Elizabeth Farrelly is spot on. Newcastle is not a cow paddock, or some backwards backwater. It IS one of the closest things Australia has to a European city. Read more from todays SMH: So, run that past me again? The City of Sydney is storming into the future, with light-rail, carbon-neutrality, green-density, cleanskin administration and, from this tiny pocket handkerchief, a full quarter of the state’s economy. Newcastle, by contrast, stagnates while local political figures, from Chris Hartcher to Tim Owen to Jeff McCloy, blag and bluster in front of ICAC. Yet this antediluvian Newcastle model, where big business fu...umbles the city for its own benefit, is what the Baird government wants to reimpose on Sydney. Could they possibly be serious? The 20th century changed so much that a core challenge for cities is discerning what to keep and what to lose. But one last-century fiction we should have no qualms ditching is the CBD. A Central Business District is not a city. Good cities don’t even have them. Good cities have genuinely mixed-use, high-density walkable urban cores that are as lively at night, because people live there, as during the day. The CBD is an unsustainable cash-cow monoculture based on the old separatisms – of use, of transport mode, of gender. It was invented in the late 19th century by a city-hating coalition of radical evangelists, who saw suburban sprawl as the best cure for the evils of city night-life, and gluttonous developers, who knew a fully-serviced land-grab opportunity when they saw one. Big business hates good cities. People just get in the way. So it’s no surprise that the latest Get Clover bill, designed to swell the City’s business vote and supported by the Baird government, originates in exurban redneck heartland, with the Shooters and Fishers Party. The idea is simple. Give business owners (who may not be ratepayers or even citizens) not one vote but two, and force them to use it, so tipping the vote toward the city-as-cash-cow mindset. To understand just how destructive this thinking is for cities, consider what the 20th century did to public transport. Seventy years ago you could get a tram to Bondi. Sydney had a light-rail network that the world envied. Using local electricity from Ultimo and White Bay, it boasted 291 kilometres of track and some 400 million passenger trips a year. But mid-century developer greed and political self-interest used a range of pretexts to rip up Sydney’s tracks and replace them with filthy diesel buses. (The transport minister later took a job with the bus-tyre manufacturer. Well, natch.) Now we struggle to reclaim a few small scraps of our bus and car-clogged streets for – you guessed it – electric light rail. The terrible irony is that by the time Sydney’s last tram was scrapped in 1961, economist Jane Jacobs had already written her world-changing book, The Death and Life of Great American Cities. Jacobs’ prophetic message was that – contrary to the 20th century’s worship of size, singularity and speed – the small, the local, the intimate, the old, the mixed and the pedestrian were critical sustainers of a healthy urban economy. Had the minister’s job offer come 20 years later, Sydney’s trams would still exist, and we wouldn’t be starting again from scratch. It’s a tale from which you’d think we might learn. But no. Seventy years ago, you could do Sydney to Newcastle by steam train in two hours eighteen minutes. Today’s fastest trip is two hours and thirty-six minutes – a full hour, says rail expert Colin Schroeder, longer than necessary. Yet now, far from installing this faster train, Newcastle’s city fathers are following Sydney’s stupidity, with less excuse and greater expense. Egged on by local developers, the Baird government proposes to rip up the last, crucial 2.5 kilometres of Newcastle’s rail track, the bit that delivers people right to heart of this lovely little town. Why? Not to improve transport, or the city – but to free the city’s last non-undermined waterfront land for development. Work starts on Boxing Day. This is nothing short of madness. Elsewhere, cities compete for sustainability, greenhouse reduction, freedom from the car. They measure their self-worth on creating clean, fast, dignified transit. Not Newcastle. Newcastle has excellent bones. Its pretty, gridded sandstone core drapes over a headland set between river and ocean. Sure, the surrounding sprawl is ugly, but rail lets you ignore all that, popping up like a meerkat right in its heart. Newcastle is as close to a European-style town as you’ll find in this country. Developer-governments want to change all that. Mayor Jeff McCloy megaphoned the rail idea back in 2011, when (according to ICAC counsel Geoffrey Watson, SC) he was still just some multimillionaire developer – and prohibited political donor – summoning local parliamentary candidates like Tim Owen into his soft-top Bentley for wads of hundred-dollar bills. ICAC’s ongoing Operation Spicer has heard evidence suggesting all sorts of sinister links between developers such as McCloy and Nathan Tinkler, politicians including Tim Owens and Joe Tripodi, and the friendly-fire campaign – stop Jodi’s trucks – to winkle Labor MP Jodi McKay from office. Less a can of worms, all this, than a pit of ruthless trouser snakes. None of it furthers the public interest. Indeed, if we, the public, stand by, it will destroy a system that could benefit Newcastle’s city economy a thousand times more than all the third-rate high-rises those guys can erect between them. We should demand a moratorium, halting all inner-city rezoning, development approvals and rail-destruction until ICAC sheds its light. We should demand that Sydney’s voting rules apply equally to everyone. Cities are for us all, not just suits. Clover Moore’s bike lanes, small bars and transit push have transformed Sydney, inviting us in. The more we mix it up, the more vibrant the city economy becomes. So, what do the Shooters and Fishers get from the deal? In news just in, the Libs have promised them hunting rights in Hyde Park, with Mad Dog Morrison to supply asylum seekers as quarry while George Brandis yells racial abuse. You heard it here first. Twitter: @emfarrelly EcoTransit and Newcastle’s Save Our Rails will run a rail pilgrimage to Newcastle on August 20. Read more: smh.au/comment/cbds-are-for-us-all-not-just-suits-20140813-103hzu.html#ixzz3AJJWUHhD
Posted on: Wed, 13 Aug 2014 21:38:36 +0000

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