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Email not displaying correctly? View it in your browser.Dear Friend, Click here to learn moreMy husband and my son, David and Chris Gaubatz, are being sued by the radical Hamas front group, the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR), because of a book my husband wrote about them.In addition, CAIR is trying to trump up criminal charges against my husband and son in an attempt to have them sent to jail.The legal bills for their defense already amount to more than $500,000.00 and these bills will climb to over $1,000,000.00 by next year.This is a staggering amount and it will require that my husband and son work the rest of their lives to pay these legal expenses. Thats why I hope you will support our Legal Defense Fund with your contributions to defray these skyrocketing costs. For contributions of $25 or more, well send you copies of both the hardcover book, Muslim Mafia, as well as the e-book version, which we encourage you to distribute freely to all those Americans who still need a wakeup call on the threat of Islamic subversion in the U.S.As a wife and mother, this has become my worst real-life nightmare. The two most important men in my life are facing ruined reputations and complete financial devastation for exposing some of Americas most dangerous enemies. My husbands best-selling book, Muslim Mafia – Inside the Secret Underworld Thats Conspiring to Islamize America, exposes CAIR as a secret network organization that supports Hamas and other terrorist groups that promote Islamic jihad against the United States. The book is the story of well-financed terrorists in suits. You may have never heard of the Council on American-Islamic Relations. The name sounds innocent enough and that is exactly why the leaders of CAIR picked that name. CAIR wants everyone to think of them as a harmless non-profit organization that serves as a civil rights advocate for U.S. Muslims. In grim reality, CAIR is part of a Muslim Brotherhood conspiracy to support Islamic terrorism and import deadly jihad and Islamic fascism to America.CAIR even bears a striking resemblance to the Communist front organizations that were active in the United States fifty and sixty years ago.Like the Communist front groups, CAIR publicly espouses friendship, tolerance and understanding... ...while the groups CAIR aligns itself with behind closed doors call for death to America.CAIR was even named as an unindicted co-conspirator in a federal trial involving a group that was convicted on all 108 counts of fundraising on behalf of the terrorist group, Hamas. The mainstream media and our elected officials have been hiding behind political correctness in failing to keep the American public informed about this religious crime syndicate. Now the leadership of CAIR has an army of lawyers working to financially destroy my family and also scare off any other patriotic American who might tell the truth about CAIR and its treacherous schemes.My husband and son could work the rest of their lives in order to satisfy a CAIR legal judgment and pay the legal bills if they lose this lawsuit. In addition, CAIRs lawsuit asks that all of the copies of Muslim Mafia be expunged.Expunged, in this case means destroyed. Thats why I hope you will support our Legal Defense Fund. For contributions of $25 or more, well send you copies of both the hardcover book, Muslim Mafia, as well as the e-book version, which we encourage you to distribute freely to all those Americans who still need a wakeup call on the threat of Islamic subversion in the U.S.CAIR wants all the copies of the book destroyed because that book contains facts and evidence that could lead to the criminal prosecution of CAIR on numerous charges.CAIRs lawsuit does not challenge the facts in the book because the facts are all true and not in dispute.CAIR simply wants all the copies of Muslim Mafia burned, thereby destroying the evidence against them. This lawsuit is also CAIRs shot-across-the-bow of conservative authors and conservative television and radio hosts.If CAIR wins this lawsuit against my husband and son, then you can bet that CAIRs lawyers will sue conservative commentators such as Rush Limbaugh, Bill OReilly, Glenn Beck and Michael Savage if they ever publicly speak of CAIR again. A CAIR victory in this lawsuit will set the precedent that will enable even more CAIR high-dollar lawsuits against other CAIR critics.And while CAIR publicly portrays itself as an advocacy group that promotes the understanding of Islam and friendly relations with non-Muslim Americans, it is actually a terrorist organization with the ultimate goal of eliminating and destroying American society from within. Andre Carson, Muslim Indiana Congressman (left)Chris Gaubatz (right)Before I go any farther, let me introduce myself and also tell you a little about my husband, David, and my son, Chris. My name is Lorrie Gaubatz and I am a typical American housewife and mother who cares deeply about her husband and son...and my country.My husband, David, is a twenty-year military veteran who spent twelve years with the U.S. Air Force Office of Special Investigations working on black projects in the Middle East. He is an expert on the Arab culture and was the first U.S. civilian federal agent deployed into Iraq at the beginning of the Iraq War. While there, he led the rescue of the family of Mohammed Al-Rehaief, the Iraqi lawyer who helped rescue Pfc. Jessica Lynch, a POW.My son, Chris, worked as his fathers chief field investigator for the book. Chris has been a wonderful son. Hes only 32 years-old and just starting out on a life of his own. He was instrumental in helping with the research for Muslim Mafia. In fact, Muslim Mafia could never have been written without Chris efforts. Click here to lean more about Muslim Mafia. When David left the government, he started a consulting firm to train law enforcement in Arabic language and customs and he found himself working alongside CAIR officials. Like many, he assumed CAIR was a moderate group and invited its speakers to join his lecture series and they did. But after federal prosecutors named CAIR as an unindicted co-conspirator in a major terrorism-financing case, David realized hed been working with the enemy and he decided that CAIR deserved closer investigation.Here are just a few of David and Chris explosive revelations that were learned from their investigation: • CAIR officials are secretly coaching terrorism suspects and witnesses to withhold information from FBI investigators and have successfully obstructed at least one investigation in Maryland.• CAIR tried to obtain the prison release of one of their former headquarter officials who trained for jihad with the same Pakistani terrorist group that massacred more than 150 people in Mumbai, India in 2008. • CAIR has previously unreported ties to al-Qaida, in addition to Hamas, and has worked closely with al-Qaida field commanders inside America. • CAIR donated thousands of dollars to the legal defense fund of a Muslim cop killer.• CAIR is running an influence operation against members of Congressional Homeland Security committees and planted spies in Congressional offices. • CAIR tried to muscle out other groups to represent the so-called Flying Imams against US Airways by promising the Imams large compensation.• CAIR and the ACLU have formed a strategic partnership to target the FBI with ethnicity related civil rights complaints. • CAIR is lobbying the Justice Department and local law enforcement to exempt Muslim wife-beaters from laws against domestic violence. • CAIR executives travel regularly to the Middle East to raise hundreds of thousands of dollars from Saudi princes even though it claims to receive no foreign support. • CAIR sent $40,000 to a Hamas front group shortly before that group wired $40,000 to Hamas.• CAIR has partnered with Arab investors to finance its Washington, DC headquarters and also buy up an alarming number of real estate parcels in downtown Washington, DC. • CAIRs founder hosted the notorious Blind Sheik at his home during the period in which the cleric was plotting to blow up the World Trade Center. Click here to learn moreThese revelations are just a few of the many shocking facts in my husbands book, Muslim Mafia.You can easily see why CAIR wants to stop the book from being sold and why they want to threaten my husband and son with financial ruin. CAIR has always had a high-power legal team that uses, and abuses, our legal system to its advantage. Now the CAIR lawyers have my husband and my son in their crosshairs.We cant expect any help from the media, our elected officials or even any mainstream religious leaders as they are afraid that CAIR will brand them as being anti-Muslim and bigoted. This is why I thought that if I wrote to you and explain the situation, you would help my family in this way: I hope you will help my husband and son with the overwhelming legal bills they have incurred. Part of CAIRs legal strategy against David and Chris is to make the cost of defending themselves so high that they will just quit fighting in court. As I am writing this letter, the legal bills for David and Chris are more than $500,000.00. By the middle of next year the bills are expected to exceed more than $1,000,000.00, more money than my husband earned during his entire career in his military service to the United States. This is far more than they can afford on their own and this is also why Im writing you. Will you please help David and Chris with a contribution to their legal defense fund? I hope you can give $25 to their defense fund, if you can, Ill send you a copy of my husbands best-selling book, Muslim Mafia – Inside the Secret Underworld Thats Conspiring to Islamize America. Please consider donating $50, that way you can keep one copy of Muslim Mafia for yourself and give the other copy to a friend or family member who needs to know the truth about CAIR. I know we have never met and I dont like asking strangers for money but I am at the end of my rope and I dont know who else to ask. Will you please help my husband and my son? If you can give $25 – it will go a long way to help pay down the $500,000.00 in legal bills I will have to pay. CAIR and their radical Islamic allies are counting on a victory in the lawsuit against my husband and son so they can then go after Rush Limbaugh, Bill OReilly, Glenn Beck, Michael Savage and any other publication or television or radio personality that calls CAIRs true intentions into question. So please use the enclosed reply envelope to rush back your Note of Support and your largest possible contribution to the David and Chris Gaubatz Defense Fund. I hope you can donate $25. Click here to learn moreMuslim Mafia reads like a Tom Clancy novel but you dont have to take my word for it. Here is a well-known national booksellers description of Muslim Mafia:Muslim Mafia is undercover expose...of the Washington-based Council on American-Islamic Relations that resulted in the collection of thousands of pages of smoking-gun documents from this terror-supporting front group for the dangerous, mob-like Muslim Brotherhood. This is what Muslim Mafia delivers. It has all the elements of a top-flight mystery novel, but the situations and conversations are real. The books frightening allegations are supported by more than 12,000 pages of confidential CAIR documents and hundreds of hours of video captured in an unprecedented undercover operation. This trail of information reveals the seditious and well-funded efforts of the Brotherhood under the nonprofit guise of CAIR to support the international jihad against the U.S..So please, right now while you are thinking about it, grab your checkbook and make a contribution to the WND Legal Defense Fund for David and Chris Gaubatz today.• You may send a check to WND, P.O. Box 1627, Medford, OR 97501. (Be sure to mark your check legal defense fund.) • Click here to donate by credit card or Paypal.• Finally, if you prefer, you may donate by calling our toll-free order line: 1-800-4-WND-COM (1-800-496-3266). I thank you for taking the time to read my letter and I hope to hear back from you in the next five days as money is urgently needed to pay the legal bills incurred defending my husband and son from the Islamic jihadists at CAIR. Sincerely yours, Lorrie GaubatzWife of David GaubatzMother of Chris Gaubatz Call Toll-Free to Order: If you prefer to order by phone, you can call our friendly, Midwestern customer service reps toll-free at 1-800-4WND-COM (1-800-496-3266), Monday-Friday, 9am-5pm Central. Learn about the Islamic threatsto Israel and the world:
Posted on: Sun, 17 Nov 2013 19:30:52 +0000

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