Emotion Focused Therapy (Reduce Stress - Increase Bonding) - TopicsExpress


Emotion Focused Therapy (Reduce Stress - Increase Bonding) After serving in Iraq as a helicopter pilot, Matt has returned with a PTSD diagnosis and finds himself shutting down emotionally, leaving Rhea feeling hurt, abandoned, and more like an employee than a partner. But her desperate longing to be seen and appreciated comes out as escalating anger, leaving Matt feeling overwhelmed and wanting to withdraw further. In a single session, Dr. Johnson helps them conceptualize their conflicts in attachment terms, gain an understanding of their negative cycle, and begin to reveal some of the vulnerable feelings that underlie their explosive anger. Commentary before, during, and after the consultation and session provides insight into her approach. I include a second part in the attached comment section... I cannot find the entire series... I think you can get the idea how this works from what I will provide though. You will find on my blog other method for use if you are stressed but not having relationship issues. Just scroll down a bit to Stressed? How may I be of assistance? Here is the introduction for Emotion Focused Therapy: https://youtube/watch?v=e2LzPCkkhj4
Posted on: Mon, 01 Dec 2014 02:39:02 +0000

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