Empathic and Spiritual Warnings Those who are empathic like - TopicsExpress


Empathic and Spiritual Warnings Those who are empathic like myself, may be feeling the need to take time out away from everything and everyone. It is perhaps a sense of being overwhelmed by the emotions present all throughout the world at this moment. It is a recharging of batteries, so to speak. The world may be facing BIG trials in the next few months. And if nothing is done to diminish or twart the impact, it will be events like never experienced before in our generation. This grief felt by some, is nothing more than a spiritual warning to take head. If you are empathic and are sensing grief, sadness, or a general sense of compassion for the world as a whole, then understand that you are being warned. You are to pray and/or set forth intentions to bring wholeness to the world against any and all possible disastrous events that are to come very soon. You can STOP this, or in the very least, diminish the impact it is to have on this world. You cant escape it. It has already begun. The 6.4 quake in Puerto Rico, the 6.1 quake in Greece. Just too many events to list in a year that has barely begun. But take it for certain, that this is only the beginning of what awaits the world this year. Too many so called lightworkers are focusing on positive messages. The blood will be on their hands. Certainly, in a year where MARS is to have such an impact, many positive opportunities await, but so do the dangers of this aggressive, waring energy. All I say to you, if you feel this sadness or grief, PLEASE, act to set forth your prayers and intentions for safety, revelation of nefarious plans, divine intervention and protection, and finally, preparation.
Posted on: Mon, 27 Jan 2014 00:02:04 +0000

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