Empathy is good—when youre going through a hard time, its really - TopicsExpress


Empathy is good—when youre going through a hard time, its really comforting to know you have a friend who cares. Thats obvious. The problem is the people who are addicted to being showered with pity. You know, these annoying hypochondriacs who always seem to have another ailment or hardship. Theyll drone on forever with blatant lies, and you just have to sit there and listen, and youre afraid if you call them out, because youll look like a dick. Oh wow, so, your restless leg syndrome is making things hard for your irritable bowel syndrome which is affecting your PTSD and therefore, your social anxiety is acting up. Wow. Well, at least your insomnia seems to have gotten better. Oh, it hasnt? Never mind then. I gotta tell you, even though having so many afflictions is like, super hard to believe, Im just going to disregard my common sense and stand here with a despondent expression on my face while I rub your back. Ugh! Balls! I think we all know someone like this. Every time you see them, they have some Greek tragedy to share with you. Youll be sitting around the table with some friends, swapping stories and having a few laughs and this attention seeking drama queen feels neglected, so hell just sit there, looking all bummed until someone finally asks Hey man, whats wrong? And boom! Just like that! You have to listen to him tell an obviously fabricated story about some catastrophe he endured. Clearly, theyre making the story up as they go along. I mean, you can just see wheels in their head turning while theyre spinning this disjointed yarn. But, its a really tragic story, so in the off chance theyre telling the truth, you just have to sit there and pretend youre heartbroken. Its infuriating! Look, Im not saying to go out and be a bastard to anyone whos venting about their misfortune. Im just saying if someone seems to be experiencing life altering, earth shattering cataclysms all the time and theyre super eager to blather about them, its okay to be like... Yeah, you know what, I gotta tell you, I think youre full of shit on this one. And they just stand there in stunned silence, unable to process someone not validating them. Can you imagine how amazing that would feel? Can we make this the normal thing we do, starting right now?
Posted on: Thu, 03 Apr 2014 16:00:58 +0000

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