Empower To Conquer Spiritual Warfare { Winning The Battle} I - TopicsExpress


Empower To Conquer Spiritual Warfare { Winning The Battle} I Peter 5:8; Be well balanced (temperate, sober of mind), be vigilant and cautious at all times; for that enemy of yours, the devil, roams around like a lion roaring in fierce hunger, seeking someone to seize upon and destroy. {AMP} God bless you beloveth, and again I want to thank you so much for allowing me to share these devotional teachings with you. I pray that many of you have gone over some of the past devotionals to keep your hearts motivated to please the Lord. Someone email me on last week to let me know how much they enjoy the teachings and how the Word have influenced their life. Beloveth, we are facing trying times where little by little the enemy is trying to eat away the integrity of the Gospel. However, we know that regardless of how bad things get the enemy will not prevail over the Word and Power of God. Meanwhile during these struggles many are turning away from the truth and chasing after things that make them feel good in the flesh. The enemy has brought over a strong delusion that people would rather believe a lie than the truth. The Prophet Isaiah said in chapter 5:20; Woe {curse} to those who call evil good and good evil, who put darkness for light and light for darkness, who put bitter for sweet and sweet for bitter! We are facing the times where many have become comfortable with sin and many others are trying to justify its acts. The enemy is trying daily to close the mouth of the preacher by staying away from the issues of sin and become more likeable in the minds of people. We have become more concern of our popularity and the material success of life, while countless souls are perishing at the hands of the wicked one. Many churches are losing ground and their effect upon the community because of the compromise of sin. We have lowered our standard just to increase in numbers but not maintaining the truth of the gospel. Beloveth, this is just a reminder to stay strong and keep your faith focus on Christ and not on other people. Let no one persuade you from the truth or second-guess your calling in Christ. Continue to study the Word and commune with the Father, always keep your trust in Him. Learn to see through the hype and never let your emotions run away with you. You must be able to fine-tune yourself through the Word so you will be able to discern that which is good and acceptable to the kingdom of God. Remember what the scripture said in II Corinthians 1:13-15; For such are false apostles, deceitful workers, transforming {masquerading} themselves into the apostles {workers; pastors, overseers, etc.} of Christ. 14. And no marvel; for Satan himself is transformed {masqueraded} into an angel of light. 15. Therefore it is no great thing if his {Satan} ministers also be transformed {masqueraded} as the ministers of righteousness; But their end will correspond with their deeds. Beloveth, see why it is so important to be equipped in the Word, because of the craftiness and tricks of Satan. Satan knows the Word and he knows how to twist it to a point where if you are not careful you could easily be deceive. Remember how he did with Eve, well Satan is still doing it to many today. Discernment is not being use and we are allowing our emotions to get the best of us each time. It’s time to increase our ability to stand up for what is right and allow the glorious light of Christ to shine forth in our life. As we close on today, think on these things, press toward the mark, increase your commitment and let us hold each one to accountability in the Word. Never stand back and allow your brother or sister to walk in error, reach out to them in love that they may repent and move forward. Do not let the enemy whisper sweet nothing in your ears that may shipwreck your faith. Also, remember that being tempted is not a sign of weakness; these things are just your sparring partner to keep you on your toes, to increase your skills of victory in any given situations. Finally yet importantly, you are bless to be a blessing to someone else life, that through your victory they may overcome because of the example you live before them. God bless you beloveth, and have a great day! You have just been empowered, now go forth and conquer your day! Percy L Craine Making A Difference Empowered To Conquer
Posted on: Fri, 08 Nov 2013 12:31:08 +0000

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