End of Chapter 3. Lots of water, drift dressage, and more ominous - TopicsExpress


End of Chapter 3. Lots of water, drift dressage, and more ominous discoveries...a first draft, Nanowrimo word barf version, as usual ;) ****** The ballroom was packed. There was little standing room left, with all of the media pushed together into one small space, before the enormous layout of tubing, ramps, and platforms set up before them. The time came. Lights dimmed. Voices hushed. The band played, and the procession arrived. With the canopy of stars through glass above, the glow of lights, in every possible shade of red and ruby imaginable, glittered off of highly polished costumes and accessories. Cameras flashed, and the music swelled. At least twenty robots, trimmed in glowing blue, entered from one side, carrying upon their shoulders a flat metal platform, upon which stood Ginger, with Ethlyne Blane astride, tall and elegant in her clean, sporty riding attire. The Everblue logo on her jacket glowed in the same blue trim as the robots. Castor Blane stood beside his wife, holding the horses reins, looking refined and triumphant. They were carried to the center of the room, where the robots laid their burden down, and all took three steps back in unison, forming a circle, with the Blanes in the middle. Castor strode to a nearby platform. He was immaculate in a coat and tails, with a waistcoat of that continuous flowing and glowing blue color. Zora’s voice echoed throughout the Scarlet Ballroom. “Good day and welcome, beloved guests. Im am honored to host all of you aboard the Ruby lift. On behalf of Everblue, and the Royal Crown Orbital Plaza and Resort, we present world champion drift dressage rider, Ethlyne Blane, and her horse, Ginger.” A round of applause and cheer. Zora added, “Please be aware, ladies and gentlemen, that I am slowing the rotation of the Scarlet ballroom, within one minute. If you are averse to any sort of varied gravitational effects, please retire to the lower levels of the lift immediately. This effect will be allowed, in exactly sixty seconds.” The human announcer that spoke next, was a rather annoying fellow, whom Walter had heard before around the Net. “Ginger is a customized hybrid of Andalusian and Thoroughbred bloodlines. Her eight sires and five dams all champions in dressage and other disciplines. Ginger and Mrs. Blane are a winning duo three times over, at the annual drift dressage nationals, which take place on Luna.” Drift dressage. What was this odd term? He guessed he was about to find out. Castor stepped back. The music stopped. Ethlyne urged Ginger into a steady, circling trot. The surrounding robots expanded into a net of interconnecting, glimmering threads, formed a lattice of metallic intricacy around them. Ethlyne and Ginger moved inward. Towards the spiraling ramp around its tall pole in the center. At least thirty feet high, they climbed it steadily. Once at the top, Ethlyne withdrew a narrow, metallic rod from her riding jacket, held it aloft. With one flick of her wrist, it extended, and became a large, silken flag, unfolding behind her with a prop to make it stand upright. The water drop logo of Everblue, along with the company’s name emblazoned across it. She smiled, and the crowd cheered. She cued the her horse forward again. The animal arched its neck, lowered its head and slid obediently along an icy, slick surface beneath its hooves. No fear in horse or rider. Ethlyne’s smile was wide and well practiced as she leaned forward, the flag blazing behind them, Everblue and its glory following. Ginger pranced off the edge of the platform. Immediately, Ethlyne hurled the flag downward, and gave it a spin, so that it whirled to the ground, and landed into a cylinder perfectly below it. From out of the metallic web that the robots had expanded into, came shooting several arcing spout of water. In the lowered gravity, these seemed to hang upon the air, and tease the very space around them with tiny, floating droplets that hovered about. The horse cantered in a tight, collected circle along a thin beam. The water danced and shimmered about them. Music began, and hooves seemed to move in perfect rhythm, timed with the shooting of the water below and about them. They approached a large ring, and without hesitation, Ethlyne leaned forward in the saddle. The horse leapt from the beam, through the ring. As soon as they passed through, more water burst about them, a pattern of organic and priceless liquid painting the air, as they seemed to fly through. Both Ethlyne and the horse continued their gait, never once seeming to be afraid, or uncertain. They floated to the floor, and with each column of water they met, the horse planted its hooves on it and then leapt to the next. It looked as if they literally walked on water and air at the same time. When they finally reached the ground, with the crowd cheering, the horse tossed its mane, and Ethlyne waved, blew a kiss. Above them, a large ball full of water descended from the ceiling, seeming to hover in mid air. Ethlyne dismounted, and walked to the top of the platform with Castor. They put their arms around each other and smiled, as the horse tossed its head nearby and snorted, water droplets drifting about all of them like tiny jewels or stars. A handsome power couple, these two. And the smiling image of the company that had so long been one of the backbones of order and compassion in society. Everything was quiet so far. Perhaps GUS had indeed been wrong. Perhaps the Blanes werent in danger. But it was still too soon to let down the guard. The music swelled again, and before the shining blue ball of water suspened above, a familiar face appeared on hologram. Silas Blane, with that all too perfect and bleached white smile. He waved and his eyes shone as he met the cheering of the assembled crowd, the flash of cameras, the adoration of millions awaiting his appearance, both on Earth and all across the vistas of the Net. So much water drifting about. Was it really so abundant, that Everblue felt it was acceptable to let it splash about like this? It wasn’t the first time during this descent that he had seen such waste. There were still people, living on Earth, who would give anything for even one of these floating droplets. Walter wasn’t sure what to think. Silas seemed pleased to be at the center of attention. He waved, and the cheer was near deafening. Walter did notice that Ethlyne only clapped politely, and that Castor didnt clap at all. He simply stared at his brother’s image, with that straight, sharp smile across his handsome face. Silas addressed his fans first. “Its a pleasure, to be able to enjoy this event with all of you. Our family in Everblue,” he said. “Im sorry that Im not able to attend the descent with you. Our family on Mars needed my attention at this time. And Im pleased to announce, that they all wish you a fabulous descent, and all share in our enthusiasm and joy on this most momentous of occasions. Besides, you all can now bask in the presence of my esteemed, and long-missed brother.” He paused a moment, and his image turned to meet the gaze of Castor. Castor still stood beside Ethlyne, though the two were no longer standing arm in arm. Ethlyne looked at the ground, seemed distracted. Walter could see that Castor’s fist was clenched from a good distance away, as the two brothers locked eyes. “Have no worries, brother,” Castor said. “Ive taken most excellent care of our family during your absence.” “Oh, I know that you have. And I took most excellent care of them, during your long absence. Youve been quite a stranger these past few months. Mars is wondrous, and I know that youve always done a superb job here. But I must ask you, Castor. What have you been doing, during all your time away?” Castor put his hands in his coat pockets and removed a small holo display controller. “ltd be better, if I just showed all of you, what Ive been secretly up to these past four months in solitude. Would you all like to see the results of my efforts and time, dear family?” The crowd cheered. Silas Blane raised his eyebrows, smiled though his expression seemed to Walter to look both cold and forced, artificial as the rest of his appearance. Several screens rose around the hologram of Silas, and around the still floating beads of water and mist. “Are you going to give us a presentation, or an explanation?” Silas almost sounded mocking. “Why, both, brother dear. You seem to think that Ive abandoned you, Everblue, and our family. Truth be told, I have undertaken the greatest work that weve yet to accomplish. Its all good and right to purify the basic water, for Earths life to use and thrive upon. But what remains even greater, is the necessity to clean up the mess left behind by the War, and the evils of the regimes that wreaked their havoc upon our beautiful, ever-blue planet. Thus, I have taken it upon myself, to journey about and find the most popular and beautiful places still reachable. And we have now begun to apply our purification efforts to ocean, lake, river and stream. Have a look at this result.” Silas almost looked as if he was about to speak, but Castor started the holograms of his displays. Images of white sand beaches, mountain waterfalls, and rushing rivers. “This is where I spent the past month alone. The beach of San Marco Pedro, in East Indolasia. Do you see how much our efforts have put forth? This once poisonous and feared place, has begun to flow clean and clear again. I have deployed a small army of our robots to this area, and we have already cleaned enough of it up, that children can again swim in the water.” A murmur of awe from the crowd, as images of happy young children splashing and playing along the pristine beach, beneath a blue and perfect sky. Silas had a firm set to his jaw, was not smiling, though he applauded with the rest. “My, but you have been busy,” Silas said. “And yet youve told me nothing of this new project. Why is that? Disappearing without a trace, and leaving all of us to worry. I thought of you day and night, as I’m sure the rest of us did as well.” Silas looked at Ethlyne, and she blushed, lowered her eyes and looked away, absently stroking Ginger’s mane,almost seeming to try and hide behind the horse’s solid figure, blocking Silas’s view of her. There was a strange relationship going on between the Blanes, and Walter found himself wondering what it might be, as he was sure the rest of the world watching did. “Ive never shirked in my responsibilities to our family on Mars, as you well know,” Castor said. “What I show you now, was meant to be a surprise. A birthday present. And I have yet one more gift, that I will present, when we land. This is the beginning of a momentous time in history. And Im honored that you are here to share it with all of us, Silas. Youre inspiration to all of us, and the life and vitality of Everblue. Id like to drink a toast, to you. My brother, my friend, and the very person Ive always admired and looked up to. Youve carried Father’s vision on, in ways that he would scarcely have imagined, if he were still with us. Lets drink, to life, health and genius, of my big brother, Silas Blane.” The entire room resounded with the chant of “Silas Blane!” and “Here, here!” Glassed raised, shimmered, and clinked in the dim and glowing blue light. Ethlyne and Castor entwined their wrists and drank from a shared link, though they did not hold eyes for long, and smiles still seemed strained between them. “You do me more than I deserve, Castor. Id in turn like to honor you. So, tell me, what would you like, more than anything in the world? Name it, and it is yours.” The entire room fell silent awaiting the answer. “I want you to promise, Castor said, to continue my restoration project, and allow us to continue in this daring new mission, to clean up the waters of our planet.” Silas raised an eyebrow, nodded. “A fair request. And one that Im both compelled, and curious, continue. Granted, I stand in awe of your diligence and your vision in this endeavor.” The crowd cheered again. Castor turned to everyone, raised his hands, and the media went crazy, taking photos, screens flickered, projecting the handsome hologram of his face all over the solar system. “And now, the moment you’ve all been waiting for. The Drop of the Everblue Ball. Let us have a countdown of ten, for the decade of prosperity and growth we have seen together. All at once.” Everyone counted, but Walter remained silent, observant. This too, seemed a rather wasteful event. The large ball above them lowered, slowly, then was released and fell. When it hit the ground, it shattered into thousands of fragmented droplets, which spread outward slowly around the vicinity. But Castor wasnt done. He shouted to the robots assembled about them in a circle. They stood, formed a web like ring, and their lattice captured all of the drops onto a dripping, shining bowl. “None of this water will go to waste, my friends,” Castor said with a smile. “All will be donated to our emergency suppliers on Earth, and distributed to any and all of our family who are nearing the end of their rationed supplies. These robots are especially designed to store, filter, and purify all that we have used in this event tonight.” Applause was rampant around the ballroom. The robots refolded into themselves, taking in all of the water with them. Walter was impressed. He was glad to know that nothing would indeed be wasted, after all. “Well done, Castor,” Silas said. “Im both pleased with and proud of you. It is you who would do Father proud. And you say, you have another birthday gift for us? I do wonder, what it might be.” Castor’s grin was ambiguous, and even defiant. “I do. But you must wait until the Ruby lift has completed its descent, just like the rest of us.” “I eagerly and most desperately want to see this gift. I pray you a swift and eventful descent, brother. Sister. And all of our family with you on the Ruby lift. I must return to our business here on Mars now. Please do call me when you are to reveal this tremendous…surprise.” “Of course, Silas.” “Surely.” Silas smiled, waved, and the crowd again cheered again as he vanished. Once all of the holograms and screens had retreated, the robots again backed into their formation, Ginger snorted and pawed the ground. Ethlyne mounted up, and Castor walked beside her. As the crowd parted and allowed them passage, the party raged to a full tremor once more. Walter called Randall on his wristcom. “Alls clear on this side, Mr Paynter. What is the status on your end? “All is quiet here as well, sir. I assume the Blanes are departing the Scarlet Ballroom as we speak?” “It appears so. Please form up an escort behind them and remain observant. I still have a strange feeling that something isnt quite right.” “Of course, sir. Ill assign more sentries to follow them, wherever they are headed to.” “Thank you. Over and out.” Right at that moment, he got a call from Lily. And he was more than anxious to hear her news. Trusting Randall to carry through with the the Blanes, he left the low gravity annoyance of the Scarlet Ballroom. He retreated to his office with Mr. Vincent to take the call. “Good day, Miss Fairpoole.” “I wish it was a good day. You’re not going to like this. Bette just get yourself down here. Wheres Mr. Paynter?” Walter shifted uncomfortably in his chair, lean over the desk a little more. “Mr. Paynter is watching over the Blanes. Is this something that we need him to be present for as well?” “Not right away,” she said, looking concerned. “But you should call him, regardless. Just hurry.” “I’m on my way right now,” he said, standing to leave. Mr. Vincent followed, seemed glued to his side. He arrived at Lily’s office with the cat in close pursuit. Mr. Vincent proceeded to bump against Lily’s legs and purr, then settled himself into her lap when she called his name. Mr. Vincent had always loved Lily, and as he was a good judge of character, it was one of the things that had first endeared Lily to him. She stroked the cats fur absently, her expression troubled, and rather unapproachable at first. She still wore her display, and had GUS partially disassembled and connected. “This is probably the strangest, and most extreme situation I’ve seen yet,” she said. “You might want to sit down, before I tell you.” “I’ll be all right. Just tell me, what it is you have found. “Ive discovered who it is, thats attacking all of the robots. The signature and command traces are unmistakable. Its not an outside job at all.” Walter’s worry, and surprise, merged into one all-numbing response. “Whos doing it?” Lily looked at him, her voice low and dire. “Zora.”
Posted on: Sat, 22 Nov 2014 09:13:12 +0000

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