England Calling: I’ve been following the post referendum - TopicsExpress


England Calling: I’ve been following the post referendum allegations of fraud in the voting system on the 18th and the 45% appear to be split on this issue. On the one hand there are many people who suspect the vote may have been rigged or tampered with in some way and are campaigning for a re-vote or at least a public inquiry. Having been in Scotland on the 18th and 19th I got the feeling that most people on both sides were surprised not necessarily at the outcome, but that it didn’t tally with the most recent polls. It was all too neat and tidy. The other ‘voice of reason’ opinion is that it is best to accept defeat gracefully because it just sounds like the Yes movement is bitter in defeat and this is sour grapes and that it does not help in the independence movement going forward. Might I offer the humble opinion of an outsider looking in. Make no mistake, at this point there is a doubt. Youtube videos and ‘conspiracy theories’ (I really hate that term) aside, there is Ruth Davidson admitting the postal votes were opened and sampled, the blank backed ballot papers and the ten cases of phantom voters in Glasgow. These are all confirmed FACTS and are being taken seriously by the police along with the mystery of the bags of ballot papers found in a skip. Don’t allow this police involvement to be merely tokenism. The momentum the movement still has should, for the time being, concentrate all of its efforts on getting to the bottom of all of this. What have you got to lose? Dignity, feeling foolish, looking like sore losers, being ungraceful and dishonourable in defeat? That is absolute nonsense. While you’re waiting for another chance or hoping for UDI that might never come people are still suffering. This was never a game of football or rugby. This is politics with high stakes, and unless it had slipped your notice over the last twelve months, politics is a dirty filthy game. Do you really think WM would have accepted defeat gracefully? They’d have investigated every vote counter and polling station across Scotland, planted evidence and called foul immediately. A Yes majority would probably have had to be defended and proven beyond a shadow of a doubt under heavy scrutiny. The other thing that makes me suspicious is this; the three leaders came to Scotland to tell the people what to do directly. It is not only in the Scottish cultural make up, but the Brits in general tend to do the opposite of what they’re directly told to do, and I really can’t believe that anybody on either side believed any of that vow crap. Yes you can grind feeble minds down over time and repeat a lie until it’s currency, but this kind of direct bullying usually has an adverse effect. Yet it was this stunt that was accredited with the 2-3% swing. Those of us discussing the whole event South of the border were sure this would ensure victory for the Yes vote, even those with Unionist sympathies were really worried about this course of action by the three eejits on their fool’s errand. One friend even came up with a crazy theory that they were losing on purpose for some reason, and to some extent despite lack of motive it did look that way from the outside. The referendum is still alive while there is a sliver of doubt about the voting process. Don’t let this moment pass and regret it later. Keep the pressure on this one issue as long as you can using every nasty tactic available. Know your enemy. Do you think it is beyond them to do what’s been suggested? They have form for this as many people in England in 2010 who didn’t get to vote under suspicious circumstances will testify. They have no grace, dignity or honour and that’s why they always come out on top, so get down and dirty and dig as deep as you can. Really, there is nothing to lose in vigorously pursuing these allegations, and from an outsider’s perspective, they are real. In my experience if it looks like a fish, smells like a fish and feels like a fish, it’s usually a fish. youtu.be/7_8PnwQJhlU
Posted on: Thu, 02 Oct 2014 21:41:03 +0000

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