Enjoy the diligent, focused, challenging work, and enjoy the - TopicsExpress


Enjoy the diligent, focused, challenging work, and enjoy the carefree, lighthearted, playful times. Enjoy the moments of quiet solitude as well as the times when you’re surrounded by the stimulating energy of the people in your life. Enjoy giving love and being loved. Enjoy making a difference and enjoy the assistance and collaboration of others who make a difference in your life. Enjoy the things you’re confident of as well as the things that are a mystery. Enjoy diving into life’s pleasures and enjoy working through life’s problems. Enjoy the warm sun on your skin and enjoy the cold wind against your face. Enjoy being confident and enjoy being surprised. The more of life you enjoy, and treasure, and appreciate, the more access you’ll have to life’s best possibilities. When you can find something to sincerely enjoy, you have found a pathway to great value and fulfillment. Today is a unique, one-of-a-kind experience, filled with opportunities for all different kinds of richness. Step enthusiastically forward into whatever today offers, and enjoy. The questions and mysteries give you a chance to learn. The challenges give you an opportunity to make a positive difference. The people with whom you disagree give you a way to see life from a different perspective. The disappointments you endure can put you on a path toward becoming more determined and effective. Instead of complaining about what’s negative, you can look for what’s positive. Instead of feeling sorry for yourself, you can feel fortunate to be where you are. When there’s nothing interesting or exciting going on, you have the chance to exercise and strengthen your imagination. When the world feels gray and dreary, you can find unique, original beauty in the unlikeliest of places. Every day, life gives you options. What you choose from those options and what you do with them, determines where you are at the end of the day. Right now, you have many options. Choose the most positive, life-affirming, interesting, loving and fulfilling ones, and the reality of your life will follow along. You are here today, alive and aware. You have power and influence, skills and abilities right here and now, so put them to good use right here and now. You can get yourself all wrapped up in a tangled mess of inaction by wondering and worrying about what might happen. Choose instead to get yourself passionate and enthusiastic about what will happen when you make the effort to make a positive difference. You are here today, so do something great with it. You are here today, in a world of beauty and possibility and opportunity, so seize the moment, this one right here, and make it count. What do you really, truly want to do and how to you really, truly want to feel? What is so massively important to you that nothing else really matters in comparison? Challenge yourself to honestly answer those questions. Then, pick yourself up and go do all you can to make those desirable and meaningful things a reality in your world. You are here today, living in an authentic one-of-a-kind opportunity that will never come again. Grab it and joyfully run with it as fast as you can.
Posted on: Sat, 30 Aug 2014 15:59:32 +0000

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