Enough time has passed and I feel I now have he courage to tell - TopicsExpress


Enough time has passed and I feel I now have he courage to tell the tale many have pondered and scrutinized over as much as, if not more then, the Kennedy assassination. Let this be a testament to a true friend, told from a true friend, about one of childrens most beloved heros who left us so, so young. This is the story of the bad death of Mr. Fluffles the cat. To be true to the facts for which I am about to lay our before you, I will be telling this awe inspiring fable in several parts. I wish not to leave any bit of detail out for I feel this would be unjust, not only to the late great Mr. Fluffles, but to all those who have waded through the flood waters of rumors and half true speculations for far too long. The truth is now ours, people, and not even the Government can stop me this time from setting it free. Some names have been changed to protect certain people and others have been changed because their names were just plain stupid sounding. No animals were harmed during the making of this story except Mr. Fluffles and a squirrel, but thats it. So if any dogs, hamsters or wallabies happened to die during this particular time frame, I can assure you it is strictly coincidental and has nothing to do with this story. Let take a deep breath. Let it out, let it in. Let us begin. -1- August in 1990 was proving to be one of the hottest in recorded history for the garden state and most certainly the hottest for the good folks of a little hamlet know as Pheasant Run. By ten that Monday morning, mercury was rising steadily in thermometers all over town. Overnight they had barely dropped below eighty-five and as the new day sun climbed its way through the darkness and over the horizon, thermometers did an about face and double timed it in leaps and bounds on its way to one-hundred degrees and beyond. Humidity hung heavy and wet in the air and made the heat seem much hotter. When leaving the oasis of an air conditioned home, the humidity wrapped you up in a wet burlap sac and every breath felt like it was being drawn through a moist pillow filled with sand....
Posted on: Mon, 25 Nov 2013 12:15:09 +0000

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