Environment Caring for the Environment Chevrons management - TopicsExpress


Environment Caring for the Environment Chevrons management of the Barrow Island oil field, off the northwest coast of Australia, is recognized as an industry benchmark for the coexistence of petroleum development and biodiversity protection. Since operations began in 1964, Chevron has helped prevent the introduction of invasive mammal species and the spread of weeds on this Class A nature reserve.Download Video Transcript (22 KB)Share on facebook|More Sharing ServicesMoreProtecting people and the environment is one of our company’s core values, as detailed in The Chevron Way.In support of our values, we developed four environmental principles that define our commitment to doing business in environmentally responsible ways:Include the environment in decision making. From our everyday actions to major capital investments, we make better decisions when we consider the environment.Reduce our environmental footprint. We identify and manage risks to the environment and reduce potential environmental impacts throughout the life of our operations.Operate responsibly. We apply our Tenets of Operation, which are based on two key principles: Do it safely or not at all and There is always time to do it right. Our aim is to improve the reliability and safety of everything we do to prevent accidental releases, including spills.Steward our sites. When a site has reached the end of its productive live, we work to decommission it, remediate any environmental effects and look for ways to reuse the area that will benefit the community and environment.Our Operational Excellence Management System is our framework for achieving outstanding environmental performance. We use OEMS to systematically manage issues regarding safety, health, the environment, reliability and efficiency.We have a companywide, disciplined approach to indentifying and managing any impact our operations may have on the environment, such as through waste, air emissions and water use. Our Environmental Stewardship Corporate Standard Process helps us identify and fund projects to improve our environmental performance.Our Environmental, Social and Health Impact Assessment (ESHIA) process, deployed in 2007, requires that we evaluate all new capital projects for potential environmental, social and health impacts. When there is the potential for significant negative environmental impacts, we use ESHIA to plan ways to avoid, minimize or mitigate them. The process is particularly relevant when we are choosing the site for an operation and designing the project. We also use ESHIA to enhance potential benefits during the planning, construction, operation and decommissioning of our projects. Throughout the life of a project, we consult with neighbors, government officials and other stakeholders. Since its inception, we have used ESHIA in the planning and implementation of nearly 900 capital projects worldwide. Respecting Biodiversity Our measures to protect the environment are based on our awareness of the value of the complexity of the natural world. We recognize the importance of conserving biological diversity—the rich variety of life on Earth: its ecosystems and species, and the ecological processes that support them. Chevronsbiodiversity position expresses our commitment to incorporating biodiversity considerations into capital project evaluations and decision making as part of our ESHIA process. In addition, our business units and operating companies incorporate biodiversity protection into their operations through implementation of our corporate environmental stewardship process. Our Health, Environment and Safety staffs work to protect habitats near our operations and share their best practices through the Chevron Biodiversity Network. Conserving Freshwater Resources Chevron recognizes the value of fresh water as a fundamental social, environmental and economic resource. As a global company, we know that access to sufficient sources of useful water is essential for the communities where we operate, as well as to our business. Chevron has developed an integrated corporate freshwater management strategy to enhance current processes, tools and guidance on water stewardship and management throughout the corporation. In addition, we developed a global position on fresh water, underscoring the significance of this critical resource.
Posted on: Fri, 08 Nov 2013 13:49:58 +0000

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