Environmental News 28.12.14 Part II: Like MANY people - - TopicsExpress


Environmental News 28.12.14 Part II: Like MANY people - Communities in Peru are fighting their OWN GOVERNMENT over resource extraction while extractors get free run Well, the land grabbers, the miners, the global corporations are awash throughout Peru in what is being called a new wave of ruthless conquistador-ing but, instead of brandishing the Bible and the sword, they proclaim high sounding policies on environment and human rights, while co-opting police and politicians in their pillage. A perfect example of this is the company - Glencore Xstrata - which is not only co-opting state forces to repress resistance and pushing for policies that serve its narrow interests, but, is also causing environmental destruction and severe human rights violations in its relentless pursuit for natural resources like metals, minerals, oil and coal. GX is the third largest mining corporation in the world and now has a presence in more than 50 countries, and, while it likes to position itself publicly as … one of the most responsible mining companies in the world, on the ground its operations are directly driving a number of conflicts related to environmental contamination and human rights violations in countries such as Zambia, the Democratic Republic of Congo, Bolivia and Colombia, as well as in Peru. In order to protect and promote their vision of seeing fossil fuels make up 75% of the worlds energy mix by 2050 GX has not only embedded itself in industry lobby groups at the national level in countries like Peru but it is also strategically positioned in an enormous global network of over 60 international lobbying organisations, with the intention of capturing climate change policy spaces and processes at all levels. Meanwhile in places like the province of Espinar, Southern Peru, GX’s two huge mines are wreaking havoc and a 2012 Government environmental and health assessment downstream from their facilities showed widespread contamination of superficial and underground water with heavy metals such as arsenic, lead, thallium and molybdenum. GX denied any responsibility of course and said, for example, that the copper found in local pasture was naturally occurring. Needless to say, the people of Espinar were furious and when Xstrata and the central government continued to ignore their concerns they quickly organized an indefinite strike. Just as quickly the government sent in police - to protect GX’s infrastructure – and, over the next few days two civilians were killed, many more were injured and a state of emergency was declared. Then, in 2013, it was revealed that the Peruvian police had signed a series of agreements with at least 13 natural resources corporations, including GX, to provide them with paid private security, and, this year the Peruvian government passed Law 30230 which includes a number of economic ‘’reforms’’ that clear an even BIGGER path for further intensification of extractive industries in the region. “Glencore Xstratas conduct signals the deeper systemic issues underlying the climate crisis. The impunity of such multinationals on the ground, and their successful capture of domestic and international decision-making spaces, needs to be challenged with action that is coordinated, strategic and based on strong links of international solidarity.” Wrote Aldo Orellana Lopez and Philippa de Boissière, the co-authors of the report Corporate Conquistadors: The Many Ways Multinationals Both Drive and Profit from Climate Destruction. How right they are…. theecologist.org/News/news_analysis/2686355/glencore_xstrata_and_corporate_power_in_peru.html
Posted on: Sat, 27 Dec 2014 22:45:20 +0000

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