Enzo Colella The 12 ZODIAC SIGNS - Allegory in key Biblical It - TopicsExpress


Enzo Colella The 12 ZODIAC SIGNS - Allegory in key Biblical It was early in the morning. God was in the presence of his twelve sons and sowed in each of them a seed of human life. They approached him, one by one, to receive the gifts entrusted to them. To you, Aries, I give my seed first, so that you have the honor to lay it on the ground. For every seed that you plant gather in the thousands. Be the first to penetrate into the soil of the human mind with My Thought, but it is not your responsibility to maintain it, nor bring any question about it. Your life consists in action, and your only task is to begin to make men aware of My Creation. For the success of your mission will present the estimate of Yourself. Quiet, Aries went back to his place. To you, Taurus, I give the power to bring to fruition the seed. Your work is of the utmost importance; requires your patience because you have to accomplish what is being undertaken, otherwise you will see the seeds carried away by the wind. You doubt it, nor change your mind along the way, or be dependent on others for the work that you check. For this I give you the Force. Use it wisely. And the Toro went back to his place. To you, Gemini, I do unanswered questions so that you can give to men mutual understanding. You will never know because they speak and listen, but in your search for the answer you will find my gift: the knowledge. And the Twins went back to his place. To you, Cancer, I entrust the task of teaching the emotions of men. I ask you to provoke their laughter and their tears, so that their life and their thoughts create their deepest fullness. For this you gift the family, because your fullness can make prosperous. And the cancer returned to his place. To you, Leo, I give the task of showing to the world the splendor of My Creation. You must, however, beware of pride and always remember that it is of My Creation, not yours. If you forget, you men despise. You will find great joy in the mission that you entrust though shalt perfectly. For this you have to have the gift of Honor. And the Lion went back to his place. To you, O Virgin, I ask you to judge what man has made of My Creation. You have to examine his behavior very carefully and remind him of his errors so that, through you, may be full of My Creation. For this I give you the Purity of Spirit. And the Virgin returned to his place. To you, Libra, I entrust the mission to serve, so that the man should be attentive to their duties towards others. He must learn to cooperate so as to reflect the other side of their actions. I will put you everywhere there is discord. To help you in your efforts, Ill give you love. And the balance returned to his place. To you, Scorpio, I do a very difficult task. You will have the ability to know the human soul, but do not you dare talk about what you will learn. You will often sad to see how things really are and what you turn away from Me and will make you forget that I am not the cause of your pain, but the perversion of My Thought. Will penetrate the human soul so well that you will end up seeing the man as a beast and wrestle in your underwear so fiercely against this brutality that go astray. But when you come to Me, Scorpio, Serber for you the supreme gift of Determination. And Scorpio returned to his place. Sagittarius, I ask you to make men laugh because their misunderstanding of My Thought makes them bitter. Thanks to the rice, you will need to give them the hope that they will return to Me. This way you will touch many souls, even if only for a moment, and every time you shall know the anxiety. To you, Sagittarius, Abundance infinite gift that can spread even into the darkest corners to bring the light. And Sagittarius went back to his place. From you, Capricorn, I wait for the sweat of your brow, because you will need to teach men to work. Your task is not easy because they feel weighing on your shoulders the labor of man. So that you can bear the burden, I place in your hands the responsibility of man. And the Capricorn went back to his place. To you, Aquarius, I give the concept of the future so that man can go beyond their limits. You will know the pain of loneliness because you do not authorize you to customize the My Love. But to open mans eyes to other perspectives, Ill give you Freedom. It will allow you to continue to serve humanity whenever necessary. And the Aquarium went back to his place. To you, Pisces, I do the most difficult task of all. I ask that you take it upon yourself every mans worth and consegnarmela. Your tears will become Mine. The sadness you assorbirai is the result of misunderstanding of man towards the Mio Pensiero, but you usargli compassion for him to try again. For this difficult task, Ill give you the most beautiful gift. You will be solely my son to understand me. But this gift of understanding is reserved for you alone, Pisces, because if you tried to parteciparlo man, would not want to listen to you. And the fish went back to his place. Then God said, Each of you has a part of my thinking. You do not need nor want to be wrong in its interpretation of the gift of your brothers. Each of you is perfect, but you will know it only when you are One. Then it will be revealed to each of you My Thought in its entirety. Once left to itself, every son decided to put to good use the gift received, but none of the twelve knew neither his duty nor his own gift. Very embarrassed when they returned to God, he said to them, Do you believe all that the gift of the other is more valuable than yours. We therefore take the liberty to exchange them. And for a moment every child knew the ecstasy looked forward to all the possibilities of his new mission. But God smiled and said, You will from me several times to ask Me to free you from your mission and each time will grant your wish. You will pass through a number of incarnations before reaching the prescribed initial mission to Me every one of you. Ill give you an infinite amount of time to carry it out, but you will be with Me when this will be done.
Posted on: Mon, 20 Oct 2014 16:06:07 +0000

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