Epic adventures in truck repair, October edition: A: Key breaks - TopicsExpress


Epic adventures in truck repair, October edition: A: Key breaks off in ignition (after all, its an 89 and the key is as thin as can be). Spend 1 hour fishing out the broken piece from ignition, then 30 seconds taping the key back together with electrical tape so I can get home, where I think I have a spare key. Turns out spare key is only for door locks, so I spend half an hour convincing the hardware store to grind a new key from old funky taped together one. Success. B: Stuck front brake caliper keeps left wheel brake partially engaged. Pull off wheel and caliper, force cylinder back into housing with giant c-clamp. Reassemble and bleed brake line. Still stuck. Next day: Remove wheel and caliper again and try to force out cylinder to grind and clean, but that suckers good and stuck. Reassemble and bleed brake line. Next day: Get new caliper and new pads right before parts store closes. Decide to wait until next day to replace (damn good decision). Today: remove wheel and caliper, install new caliper, go to attach brake line and find out it doesnt fit (freakin aftermarket parts that sort of almost match original). Get out hacksaw and Dremel tool and begin grinding brake line fitting to fit caliper. Still not quite there. More coffee! And... Ive almost achieved expert shade tree mechanic status for 89 Suburbans.
Posted on: Sat, 19 Oct 2013 21:03:23 +0000

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