Episode 9 Sophia dropped the call and looked beside her. Sean - TopicsExpress


Episode 9 Sophia dropped the call and looked beside her. Sean was lying down on the couch, breathing steadily. He had been injected with valium and should be asleep for 12 more hours. Everything was finally back on track. She had Sean. Eva was secure in the Charge Room. All logistics were finally getting back into play. She was behind schedule by 20 hours. Timing meant everything to The Ghosts Corporation. The General was definitely going to chew her raw. In their code of law, it was better to excommunicate yourself, go off the radar and hope you are not remembered, than fail an operation you were supposed to deliver. The General gave Sophia a 24 hour window and she got the job done. She smiled to herself, and then frowned. She had worked with incompetent fools and had trusted them to come through. She would deal with them later when she got off the General’s whipping. She knew the other attendees of the General’s summon were already aware of the proposed meeting. But orders are orders. She composed a text and sent it to the Super Agents. Shina, Ambrose and Tawo. Together they were called The Deadly Quartet. The four of them were in line to succeed the General. Ambrose was the Tactical Genius. His specialty was planning operations, attacks and infiltrating impossible fortresses with a very short deadline. If there was a place that could never be breached and you wanted someone to go in and come out unseen, give the job to Ambrose. He never failed an operation. He always worked alone. He loved men and was known to be in love with any guy whose as5 could take his huge d1ck. He was the highest paid member of the four. Tawo was the super spy. He was the king of multiple personalities, and the master of deception and disguise. He had eight different names, 5 different passports, and was a citizen in 3 continents. He spoke English, French, German, Spanish, Yoruba, Igbo, Hausa, Swahili and Italian. He was the youngest of the Deadly Quartet and also the coolest. He was also responsible for bugging phones, cars and people. He designed a special application which could make him connect with any satellite he chose and track anyone, anywhere in the world. He was the General’s only son. He was not close to his father and secretly wished him dead. The General knew this but could not afford to have him silenced. He was his only surviving blood. Besides, Tawo was hard to extinguish. He was the most difficult member to find or reach. You don’t find him. He finds you. The Deadly Quartet was hard to kill. Only the General knew all their weaknesses. Time was 9pm. Along with the Deadly Quartet, the Tactics team consisting of Bruno, Marshal, Gbenga, Mark, Iyke, Francis and Brenda was also invited to the meeting at the Watch Tower. They gathered in the large Oval Office. Bruno, Marshal, Gbenga and Mark sat on one side of the room in a semi-circle, talking in whispers. Iyke and Francis sat together but were farther away from the group. They were not talking. Brenda was busy with her blackberry phone. Sophia was sitting at the top of the conference table, cleaning her nails. She looked so beautiful. Ambrose was sitting 4 feet from her, his legs crossed. He was not smiling. Tawo breezed in at 9:13pm. As he sat down, a voice came in from the speakers above. It was the General. “Thank you for coming late, Tawo.” Tawo nodded and waved to the air. “Welcome agents. I can see that we have all been familiarizing ourselves. There is cause for worry. Our organization has been infiltrated. This has never happened before. Good job by Sophia and Shina. The threat has been nullified. However, this is to warn you that you should be on the alert now than ever before. There could be others like her as there is also a more desperate detective who wants to get behind the situation. Temporary steps have been taken. Good job by Tawo and Ambrose. Be on the lookout. As from now, you will resume normal jobs at various offices assigned to you. You will find a file under your pillows when you get home. Show up at your respective offices and live as normal a life as possible. You would be contacted if we need you. That will be all.” The voice went dead. As the agents got up to leave the room, the voice came back on again. “Super Agents wait behind.” 10 minutes later, each Super- Agent had been assigned an order. They also had identical files under their pillows, but they were instructions not job descriptions. Operation Subterfuge was activated. Detective Ahmed woke up to find himself in a very strange place. White tiled walls, strange smell and a very small and uncomfortable bed. He tried to move but he felt a sharp pain on his left wrist. There was a drip on his wrist and a small amount of blood had formed at the tip of the needed. How did he find himself at the hospital? Which hospital was he? He remembered just a little part of the earlier events. He was riding his Power Bike. He had a collision. That was all he could remember. He pressed the emergency button. “Nurse!!!” He called out. No answer. “Nurse!!!” He called again screaming as loud as his strength could carry and pressing the emergency bell a million times. Seconds later, a young man in a long white apparel came in to his room. He was all smiles as he approached his bed. “How may I help you Mr. Ahmed?” the doctor asked with a smile on his face. “It’s Detective Ahmed. Please doctor where am I? Where are my phones? How long have I been here?” Ahmed said, trying to sit upright. “No no no pls Detective. You need to relax.” He said pushing him gently back on the bed and continued, “You lost quite some amount of blood and we have been monitoring your condition for a while. When you wake up you will get all the answers you seek. Please just relax.” He finished. He took out a syringe and drew some liquid from a finger size plastic container. He tapped Ahmed’s free hand and found a vein. He injected the contents of the syringe inside Ahmed and removed it from his body. “That would help you relax” the doctor told Ahmed. “Thank you” Ahmed replied. The doctor smiled, took his tray and walked towards the door. Ahmed’s eyes had begun to close. He opened the door and turned to Ahmed. He walked back to him and spoke very softly. “By the way I am not a doctor. My name is Tawo. You have been poking your nose into business that is bigger than you. The crash should have killed you. You are lucky to be alive. Ï just injected you with a form of Amnesia virus. When you wake up you will lose all memory of the past five weeks. I was never here. Good day Ahmed.” Tawo shut the door behind him and left the hospital. He got to the car park drove out and headed towards Apapa Oshodi expressway. He sent an encrypted text to Sophia. “I’m done. Your turn to move.”
Posted on: Thu, 11 Dec 2014 06:53:57 +0000

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