Equipping police officers with the trappings of war inevitably - TopicsExpress


Equipping police officers with the trappings of war inevitably influences the psyche of law enforcement officials, experts said. ...... fascinating time to be a social scientist said the nerd with a bachelors degree in sociology to himself in his head..... ......and how does seeing police officers equipped with the trappings of war influence the psyche of populations to become desensitized to this militarization and expectation of imminent homeland threat mentality?.....arent these material status upgrades and provocations a self fulfilling prophecy....... a reflection of the degree of our own individual and communal psyche, perhaps afraid, disconnected from a perceived unknown?. how can we nurture and enrich, add something good in like nutrients to the soil of our people. It is not as much a people things as an energy thing, love or fear type vibe. Ask my self what this all resonates with in me, what does it reflect in regards to my way of being? where do I allow power to be abused? where do I see injustice? (through the lens of its always me pondering -thanks David) who out there around me is doing something, anything besides talking talking, opinion opinion, and wow, brother Robin too.... i mean, you have to have cognitive dissonance to not feel that he must have been hurting to a level beyond capacity, like, sick, like diabetes when it kills somebody from no insulin type thing,... i mean, come on, Robin Williams, who from our culture cant love that guy for at least be there for us all for a good laugh as a kid, ( would love to hear how some gangster rappers like wu tang were affected by his passing.... probly some real stuff... being soldiers and all)....point being, the guy surfed the stormy waves and rested under the rainbows of the dichotomy of life, and inevitably he drown on one of the biggest days it seems...... thanks Robin Williams, i just realized that some of the sunlight you cast throughout my life, here and there in the periphery, and for instances right in the forefront - had been there latent and just lit up like a roman candle in me..... before I loose my strength, or the powers of my mind-I give thanks to God for we are here while we are here, and only the creator know the fate, purpose or reason for another....So what do i stand for? What do you stand for? sometimes fear and loathing, sometimes your bliss and your rightious cause. sometimes i think that that is worth fighting for. your right to do what you please with regards to the safety of others and their Human dignity, and my right to do the same. I think most people have a core desire for these basic needs to be met. access to food clothing shelter and EDUCATION ok and MONTESSORI education - check it! free up the structure -- support and promote people excelling - encourage one another, call out loudly those who dont if thats what you feel..... not with ridicule, with love, tis often not only the easy and fast friends we make at these psuedo-social-spiritual (inherently to western culture-materially ) themed gatherings that need active engagement of enrichment, holistic consciousness, plans and inclusiveness..... go to where the hurt is, go to where the challenge is, some times wish that it was universally faux-pa to say aloud that you are christian, which it was merely a tribe based upon action,,,, me, love so much about it all, and..... LIVE IT, or you may be missing out on the fullness, great food is good to even think about, how much less than to eat! going to those who are marginalized, locked up, watching FOX news, hording food, living scared and increasingly angry and paranoid about a faceless enemy that is going to swoop in like a dark muslim ghost and snatch our whole way of lives........ goes back to the lack of solid community structure in place, birth, coming of age, prime, old age, death ceremony, - like a nation of babys.... yep... seems as such. think im joking ? go to another country that you cant see (international, or mainstream western) news for at least a couple weeks, then come back to usa and see how reality is projected at you ever subtly-micro-subtly often and more oft - hyper overtly..... this thing, that thing, this that blah blah need fear want hurry need fear want hurry uncertainty need fear want uncertainty demand your all mixed up PICK PICK NOW YES now go wait OK OK awwwww so beautiful, would you look at thahhhhhh......BUY ONE MAN LETS GOOOOOOO!!!!! seems so funny when it seems merely backflips of the brain, and so entertaining when its the guy at the fair jumping of 120 feet into a little pool, but when surfing in those big waves, towing into them with a jet ski even, one of the best surfers in the biggest waves, but oh how many gallons are in those big waves? wow, we just see the macro on that... the big picture of a massive wall of water 50 feet high per say, but in our awe, we dont see the gallons, much less the drops, and it doesnt take but so much to pull a human up and over, could be the first wave on a little day, could be their 39th and last of the day . though it may appear that mans carved windchime created the sweet song, tis the wind and the wood and the dust of you my child - said the benevolent narrative voice from the cut america.aljazeera/articles/2014/8/14/police-militarizationfergusonmikebrown.html
Posted on: Fri, 15 Aug 2014 01:37:45 +0000

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