Essence of American Spirit… The tragic flaw for any - TopicsExpress


Essence of American Spirit… The tragic flaw for any individual is their failure to recognize and embrace the ideas and thoughts that are the result of their own inspiration. Throughout our lives we are all touched by inspiration. Do not doubt this truth as it is the basis for what is possible for all men and women especially those who may be unsatisfied with their place in life. It isnt a lack of magnificent ideas, possession of skills, opportunities and resources that separate average people from the artists, inventors and leaders who have embraced their inspiration and made a life out of it. What divides the lives of inspired people from the rest of society is a determination to turn their thoughts into reality. Just as you do, they had self-doubt and were consumed by skepticism and fear in the beginning. Their enthusiasm greeted with criticism from friends and family members and their path lined with obstacles just as yours is. In the beginning they didnt possess the resources or the skills to see their mission through but they did possess a developing faith in the outcome of their efforts. Regardless of diverse religious and political beliefs being an American means embracing the idea that Any person can transition their thoughts into reality… And that ONLY in death or uncertainty is the fate of an individual sealed… From this one shared belief our Nations optimism became endless and our faith in individual accomplishment limitless. Once proclaimed that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights unprecedented societal and technological advancement finally began. Unimaginable in the previous thousand years an unyielding transformational progress forged new intellectual boundaries and expectations in mere decades. Yet our awe-inspiring nature was exposed only after the minds of women were awakened and the contributions of everyone--- no matter the color of their skin--- were included. Today begins a new period of human progress where the contributions of each individual are not incremental but instead essential. Together we face great adversity once again. Our response to the challenges of our day must be rooted in the same spirit of necessity that called upon our ancestors to overcome economic and cultural limitations to produce leaders and contributors from common men and women. This too is our calling… to bring forward the inspired ideas and contributions of every American. Each of us has… a role… a talent to be developed… a special idea… a purpose for our abilities… and a private trust in viability. Political differences aside Americans are united by this… Our joined truth: Americas potential is diminished less the precious contribution of ANY person. Only after the potential of each person is reached will we as a Nation be able to ensure that each American is… Safe… Fed… Educated… Insured… Secure in Old Age… and of the American Dream. All men and women are created equal with a gift of self expansion… and an inclination towards self-defeat. It is within the thoughts and beliefs of men and women where social and economic separation resonates and insight for advancement is born. The choice is always ours and so are the consequences when we choose poorly. Previous barriers to accomplishment of the masses were sometimes physical, discriminated against by race, gender or economic circumstance… but today they are mental. Those who claim to be unable… today are instead revealed to be unwilling, possessing minds exceedingly limited by individual imagination and fortitude. Advancements in education and technology require less and less of the human mind and because of this we have learned that… When a mind is not challenged it does not strengthen. When character is not tested it will weaken. When minds are not focused they will be easily distracted. When people do not persist they will fail. When risk is not taken obstacles remain. When minds are not counted upon they will not be dependable. Resistance still exists for all men and women who endeavor to advance their plan… of course it does. But now every state can be overcome with a specific purpose for doing so. With key strokes and mouse clicks every mind is provided an opportunity to evolve and innovate. Secrets of systems, personal advancement and creative knowledge once available only to the privileged and educated now dispersed to the masses for whatever purpose they may envision. If all are created equal then you might ask… What role does fate play? Fate yields to men and women who… Choose Self-Determination, Freedom, Faith and Courage over Reliance, Manipulation, False Hope and Fear Self-Determination vs. Reliance… Any individual can unlock inspirational vision and therefore the benefits and rewards for creating value where none existed. Yet those who are not Self-Determined fail to see a future beyond their experiences. Their past ultimately predicts and ensures their future and instead of harnessing the power of creative imagination to manifest their ideas and dreams . Sadly, they succumb to self-imposed doubts and obstacles. Yet those who achieve greatness… the self-determined in life… know the conditions created by past limitations and mistakes are not indications of a place in life but instead lessons for moving beyond it. Forces of corruption hold no power over the Self-Determined… For no mind is more potent than another… Although some will prove more determined. The seemingly easy and comfortable alternative to self-determination is reliance in others. Those who seek and encourage your reliance grow stronger in your weakness. When you are kept vulnerable they gain advantage. Your abilities and strength are diminished through your submission to their ideas and the resulting prosperity is theirs... not yours. Sadly there is a flip side to waiting for assistance, approval and validation from others… it may never come. Or if it does, it comes too late or takes you down a path that is wrong for you. When the words of encouragement werent there did you hesitate? Did you think that when others didnt give you responsibility that you werent capable? And worst of all when others didnt have faith in you… did you fail to have faith in yourself? Freedom vs. Manipulation… Today only a few men and women are truly free and the rest are bound by limited thinking and limited courage. In theory, lack of governmental intervention should allow for self-determination… but instead the limitless potential of the masses is still bound… Not by governments… but by fragile wills of men and women who base their actions and ideas on flawed rules, half-truths and normal standards. Perhaps even worse than a government that oppresses… is a mind that allows its power to be diminished without testing its limits. The ultimate insult to those who have given so much for our freedom is not dissension… but instead apprehension. Your only requirement for success is to recognize and separate the thoughts and behaviors that serve you well from those that dont… and take action on them throughout your lifetime. Yet many if not most, are willing to surrender their dreams, ideas and inspirations to people intent on the manipulation of their energies. ‘They’ use your energy to fulfill their dreams and expectations instead of your own. What they give you in return is only a mere fraction of what you earned. Those who conspire to steal your attention will keep it from serving your interests to profit theirs. Surrendering trust in you has devastating consequences that are at the root of all discontent. Never accept at face value the determination of others (regardless of who they are) that they know better than you what you are capable of. At various times we are all vulnerable and become susceptible to the undue influences of others yet those who are self-determined yield to no such pressure. Faith vs. False Hope… The power of faith does not avail itself to you when others have faith in you… but instead only when you have faith in yourself. A self-trust develops when you understand the value of your thoughts and come to know that your actions based in those thoughts are not in vain. Those with faith… are able to step outside the logical progression of their lives and pursue their best and most inspired ideas. Few great accomplishments are unopposed; either by criticism or by obstacles and other forms of resistance. Yet those in possession of faith know that their ideas and efforts are the right ones and because of this persevere when those without faith would never begin or if they did… stop. Remember… those who continue on, based entirely on their belief that what they pursue is right, will learn the right formula over time. Any individuals rise above negative conditions or circumstances comes from their determination to make adversity a reference point and not a focal point. Those who gain power as your defender and protector intend to keep adversity as your focal point. All the while they know that as you fill your thinking with such adversity it will only continue to draw your thoughts and behavior to it. Find pain, heartache and despair, and there is someone ready to reap profit or gain advantage. The promise of hope has been the product of thieves, con-men and so called visionaries for centuries. They tell you that they possess the ability to give you hope. In exchange they ask for your money, your time and worst of all your individual accountability. When they fall short of delivering on their promises (and they always do) you are poorer and more skeptical, and begin to accept that maybe this is all there is for you… Even though it is not. Courage vs. Fear… Strong minds and character are built within people who choose to demonstrate strength against adversity in all its forms. Repeatedly engaging resistance builds enduring mental and physical power for any chosen purpose. In order to become strong… one must behave strongly even when feeling weakened. There is no path to strength and accomplishment through shortcuts and distractions based in comfort, weakness or inaction. The path of least resistance is that way to seduce the weak and keep them that way. Those who use fear as a tool of manipulation persuade the fearful to see not progress… but instead ways for holding on to what they already have. Despite the fact that what they have is far less than what they are capable of possessing. It is in your inaction where your reliance grows leaving still more for them to do. Adversaries of American Spirit… A dramatic shift of attention towards dissatisfaction, anger, divisiveness, self-defeat and pessimism is slowly replacing American optimism and accomplishment and once again the fate of our Nation is uncertain... and NO it is NOT ALL Barack Obamas fault. The clear sense of purpose and place in history which earned US a position of respect and honor at home and abroad no longer exists and... We all share the blame. Self-indulgent leaders, demagogues and tyrants of the human spirit became Candidates who usurped their power by skillfully using campaigns of reliance, manipulation, false hope and fear as tools to build their empire at the expense of your Nation. They stirred these negative emotions so fervently that our frustration turned to apathy and their agendas soon took hold. So advanced at the art of manipulation... campaign strategies, talking points and tactics reflected every want and whim of the majority electorate instead of the ideas and character of the leader. Within the ringing rhetoric of Candidates you will recognize the same eerie essence once only heard from the late night infomercial con-men and false prophets... beckoning you to place your faith in their efforts instead of your own. Our Nation was built upon the spirit of Self-Determination, Freedom, Faith and Courage but it is being torn down by their adversaries as a means to secure the power of Candidates. Candidates revel in the failure of America and prey on your resulting dissatisfaction for votes, money and authority. Candidates have become the ruling class and as all ruling classes do... they built their power base by claiming to remove the burden of the ruled, and therefore bear the greater part of responsibility for the weakened State of our Union. Remember This: It is The Burden of The Rich and The Poor that gives America... Strength of Mind and Purpose. So called leaders gained their power and secured their base by preaching messages of division, reliance and fear. No wonder America is divided, afraid and filled with bodies and minds (rich and poor) reflective of little heavy lifting. Candidates endeavor to make enemies among Americans because their power grows when you believe that: What you dont have... Someone has kept from you What you are not... Someone has failed to do for you What you fear... Someone has failed to protect you from What you are entitled to... Someone has given to another Candidates are terrified of failure so they never engage the type of risk which will reveal the solutions to our most complex issues. Because they are afraid of failure they protect themselves from it... at all costs. Their timid and fearful nature is revealed as they never replace false hubris with genuine courage... resolve... leadership... compromise and innovation which becomes seared into the character of those who persist against failure until success is at hand. Candidates tell the people that they have the power to bring real change but fail to provide Authentic Leadership and only manipulate the energy of the people into votes and campaign contributions. Candidates tell people Hope is theirs to give and in doing so take away the only real hope the people have. Candidates have lost faith in the equality of all minds and no longer depend upon the promise of each. Time after time, Candidates talk about change... Candidates change faces, titles and names but sadly candidates never change. And for those Candidates who use polls to shape their policies and personas and by doing so become a mere shell of their original selves, the cruel hoax is finally revealed: Polls only work when you know the right questions to ask. If given the chance... would You take the task? is the only poll question that should ever be asked. Because a persons opinion of self is the essential motivator for all they do. The way to power must be through the empowerment of others… This is the new standard for our leaders.
Posted on: Sat, 09 Nov 2013 19:12:16 +0000

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