Essentials to Living Islam (Complain to Allah) class in - TopicsExpress


Essentials to Living Islam (Complain to Allah) class in sunnahfolwers 1. When a person complains about his life to others instead of Allah he is thus complaining against whom and why? Rahma Hassan: against Allah because everything that happenes to us is Allahs decree and others have no contro of Allahs decree and when we are complaining about the decree of Allah to others we are rejecting it and saying that Allah is unfair and that is a form of disbelief 2. The Good in life comes from Allah and the bad things that happen come from shaytaan - True/False Nana Rabiou: because everything good or bad come from Allah Why does allah send bad things to us? Maryam Sow : as a result of our bad deeds - as a punishment for those who do not obey him Edward Wade: To insure you believe in him that you will choose him over everything Bint Muhammad: a means of purifying you of your sins. 3. What is the difference between complaint and seeking advice? Sister Eftie: The difference is; when complaining your saying something about a problem or situation you dont like to another person or ppl without any intention of seeking a means out of it or finding a cure for it, you just want to put your business out there. Whereas seeking advice is when your looking to address a problem or situation by asking a person or ppl what it is you need to do to cure your problem. Faamay Yahya: complaint is when you take your problems to a person who cannot help you and tell them abt your state or ur condition in life whereas advice is when you got to a person who can help you and youre seeking answer to the propblems you have. 4. Abdul wants to marry but doesnt understand the means of finding a good wife about it so he seeks advice from his friends on how to recognize a good wife. Is this a form of complaint or advice? Abubakr Yahya: advice 5. Mina is married to a man who refuses to work and provide for his family as he should. She goes to her friends and tells them of her misery - Is this is a form of complaint or advice ? Aaqelah H: complaint Anisa Mustapha: her friends cant help her (Perhaps she needs to take this complaint to the imam of the masjid because he is someone who can help her) 6. Malik has been trying to find a job now for 3 months and has had no luck. He visits a friend of his to ask for tips on how to find a job. Is this a form of complaint or advice? oumy baro & elhadj: advice Izdehar *: hes trying to change his situation 7. Sarah hates the way she lives and is constantly sharing the details of her sad life style with others. Is this a form of complaint or advice? oumalhere abdulkarim: complain Izdehar *: shes not looking for a solution
Posted on: Tue, 18 Mar 2014 21:33:09 +0000

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