Esther: What If? How much of your life do you spend on “What - TopicsExpress


Esther: What If? How much of your life do you spend on “What if?” What if I get it wrong? What if I’m misunderstood? What if I’m not enough? What if I fail? What if I succeed? What if all of the above? When I think about the “what if’s” of my life, I see an invisible thread running through - the invisible thread of fear. No matter the circumstance or nature of the uncertainty, fear creeps in to choke out my faith. What if we reclaimed “What if”? What if we set down the burden of fear and picked up the promises and possibilities of God? Esther is in an impossible position, or so it would seem. The life of her people - the very survival of the Jewish people - hangs in the balance. She must decide whether to intervene and how, knowing that to do so may cost her her life. But then Mordecai, the man who raised her and loves her as his own child, speaks up: “And who knows whether you have not come to the kingdom for such a time as this?” (Esther 4:14b, ESV) Mordecai spoke from faith. “The Jews will be delivered,” he said to her, “even if not by you. But what if this is your time? What if you are the vessel of deliverance? Esther, do not ignore your calling.” (4:14, my paraphrase) I wonder if scenes from Esther’s childhood flashed through Mordecai’s mind like old home movies as he sent her the impassioned and dangerous plea: What if this is why you’re here? Esther listened. She prayed. She sought God’s will and favor before and above that of the king. She did so publicly, asking others to pray and fast with her. Though she would have to go before the king alone, she was not alone before the Lord; she had her faith family at her side. Her earthly king might very well smite her dead, but her heavenly Father bids her come before the throne of grace with confidence. (Heb. 4:16 NIV) Sisters, redemption is a sure thing. Everything sad will come untrue. The question is, will we participate or will we shrink back in fear? Let us reclaim “What if?” today. Let us usurp our fears with the promises of God. Let each of us, this day embrace His calling on our lives, through the power that comes from His love and grace alone. Click here to join the discussion with the SheReadsTruth community
Posted on: Mon, 03 Feb 2014 17:26:59 +0000

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