✞ Eternal SALVATION - Did You Know This? 1) All of mankind are - TopicsExpress


✞ Eternal SALVATION - Did You Know This? 1) All of mankind are sinners, and declared dead in Adam. 2) God’s justice was satisfied solely by the death and bodily resurrection from the dead of Jesus Christ in our place. 3) Jesus Christ was made to be sin and was made a curse for us, dying in our place. 4) There is nothing a person can do or needs to do to add to or improve upon what Christ did on our behalf through His death, burial and resurrection for our salvation. 5) The Grace of God in Justification is an unconditional free gift. 6) God provided only one way for all men to receive His free gift: through faith alone in Jesus Christ alone. 7) Faith (belief, trust) is a personal response, apart from works, whereby one is persuaded that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God and that He gives everlasting life (that cannot be lost) to all who believe in Him for that life because of His death, burial and resurrection. 8.) When an unbelieving person believes (trusts in) Jesus Christ, he passes immediately out of spiritual death into spiritual life and from the old creation into the new. 9) A believer is justified (declared righteous), and immediately accepted before the Father just as Jesus Christ is accepted, and loved as Jesus Christ is loved. 10) As soon as one is saved, he/she is in possession of every spiritual blessing and absolutely complete in Christ. 11) Once a person has everlasting life, he/she is saved forever. 13)God’s eternal purpose towards mankind includes His freedom to exercise grace toward those who do not deserve it. 14)God is a holy and righteous Father who does not overlook the sins of His children, but disciplines them and corrects them in infinite love. (Discipline is NOT punishment, BUT it may feel like it, because Jesus has already take the punishment for our sins.) 15)God will keep believers forever, and at the very end, He will present every one of them faultless and conformed to the image of His Son. 16)Assurance is not founded upon any personal worthiness. Assurance of everlasting salvation is based only on the promise God Makes in His Word that everyone who trusts (believes) in Jesus Christ alone possesses everlasting life. Good works, which can and should follow regeneration, are not necessary for a person to have assurance of everlasting life even though they may have a secondary, confirmatory value. And of course "faith or believe" is the conviction that something is true that we rely-on or trust-in. Wont you trust in Jesus now to saved you? .
Posted on: Fri, 13 Sep 2013 15:46:00 +0000

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