Ethics Case Study-9: Decision Making As SDM you have received a - TopicsExpress


Ethics Case Study-9: Decision Making As SDM you have received a complaint that in a village under your jurisdiction, people belonging to a religious community who are in majority there ( this community is a minority in the state and country) are constructing an illegal religious structure on village common land. It is nearing completion. The complaint is filed by a local leader belonging to a community who are in minority (majority in the state and country) in the village. You have verified the complaint and found that indeed the structure is being illegally constructed on village common land. You also find that this structure is funded by local MLA. You had issued a show cause notice to the trust that’s constructing the structure asking them why it shouldn’t be demolished. They have replied that a Panchayat of villagers (not official Gram Sabha) was convened and it had decided to construct the structure for the community purpose as they didn’t have a proper place for prayers and congregation. They have also replied that they are willing to pay the fine if the government decides to impose any and have ardently requested not to order demolition as it might lead to communal clashes in the village. The issue is sensitive as majority of the village wants it constructed at any cost. As SDM how will you proceed to resolve the issue? insightsonindia/2013/10/05/ethics-case-study-9-decision-making/
Posted on: Sat, 05 Oct 2013 06:53:25 +0000

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