Every great story contains surprises and the Bible is no - TopicsExpress


Every great story contains surprises and the Bible is no different. Just when the Israelites and their new leader, Joshua, anticipate possessing their inheritance - a land flowing with milk and honey - they realize it will only come with a fight and some pretty unique strategies. God being their only source, they capture their first challenge, the walled city of Jericho, with only a shout. Repeatedly, Joshua leads the Israelites in possessing the Promised Land, but at the length of their success, Joshua dies and God begins to appoint Judges like Samson and Samuel to lead and protect His people. Nevertheless, Israel begins a terrible cycle: walking in God’s blessing, turning away from their Source, falling under threat of foreign oppressors, repenting and turning back to their only true Source, and finally receiving a leader who rescues them with renewed blessing. Ultimately, with an exertion of independence, Israel demands a king to rule over them and a whole new era in Israel’s history begins. Check out more great videos at crosswaveschurch/cross-training. vimeo/36361745
Posted on: Mon, 24 Nov 2014 11:00:01 +0000

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