Every idiot that continues to attempt spreading the truth should - TopicsExpress


Every idiot that continues to attempt spreading the truth should take half of their energy and use it to fight back. Youve been warned what was coming yet do absolutely nothing about it NOTHING. I tire of actions to affect change when the people think my actions are radical. Just how radical do you need to be in order to stop this train wreck thats unfolding right before your eyes? The sky is falling routine? That what you think? Fine, then this will fly over your formerly warned heads like everything else but what the heck, maybe one of these Conspiracy slaps will actually get through to you while the few that really do give a rats ass engage the enemy. Real men lay it on the line like Tyrone Woods and Glen Doherty fight and die for you. Why? Because they understood that only through SELFLESS acts of love and charity, SELFLESS acts of defending the defenseless can they ever hope for absolution from their maker. They chose the side didnt hesitate to act, led by example and youll probably have to google the names to know who they are. Video here IS your enemy. They ARE your true terrorist enemy, they spit in your face and upon your Mothers grave because you havent the energy, drive or desire to stop them. At this point its probably too late for anything but acceptance of your fate. The great culling has begun with intensification guaranteed. Your stupification sufficiently, achieved through the daily dose of NANO particulates of Aluminum by way of Chemtrailing, assures us that when the Weaponized versions of EBOLA and other nasty uglies is added to your other daily dosing, you wont care or even be aware its happening. The Air Force aerosol spraying program that you still refuse to stop, and the head Muslims border destruction designed to spread the same Pandemics or straight out chemical agents, through physical contacts, continues to release continues unabated. If you have any senses remaining, will you then take the lives of supposed loved ones out of mercy or be content to watch all writhe in agony during the final throws of life? Your inaction assures this destiny is uninterrupted. But hey, it can wait right? Nothings going require action before this weekends games are over. Nothing is so pressing your schedule need adjusting. Nothing is more important that me, me me. I got it, youll get it, have a nice day. youtube/watch?v=ju-xqofwBv8&feature=player_embedded
Posted on: Thu, 09 Oct 2014 20:46:04 +0000

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