Every police officer who is or who ever has been in the employ of - TopicsExpress


Every police officer who is or who ever has been in the employ of city, county, or state governments exercised free will in joining the force. No one coerced these individuals into undergoing the training and work for these government entities. They did so knowing full well that like all professionals, officers are expected to evaluate situations IN ADVANCE and weigh the potential outcomes of his or her actions. I am not arguing that cops have easy jobs. They do not. Yet the standard is implicit that they are expected to perform well under pressure. Tuesday night the 25th. of November 2014, I saw the evening news interview with Officer Wilson. Nothing. Absolutely zero, zilch, nada, was discussed about him, optionally, continuing to drive on and consult with dispatch about the situation prior to engagement. One does not have to be a clairvoyant--I do not have to be a clairvoyant, to understand that the events could have turned out significantly differently with more officers present. Stealing cigarettes and jaywalking are not that high on Americas most wanted. Machismo and Testosterone (I am sure, on both sides) made sure that cooler heads did not prevail in this shooting. There would have been no loss of face or honor if Wilson had just given time and space to the situation and arranged to get backup on the scene. At the very least, there would have been corroborating police officers available to give support to his story. When O.J. was in the slow speed chase prior to giving himself up to LAPD many took that as the behavior of a guilty person. I certainly did not know what to make of it and questioned his reasons for trying to get away while he was a suspect in the case. I think that I understand O.J.s motivations better now. Chances are that the mainstream press will never pose the question of why Wilson did not drive away and call for backup. It is a crucial question. It is, in fact, THE QUESTION that has neither been asked or answered. Stephanopoulos asked Wilson if there was anything he could have done differently that would have prevented Browns death. Wilson said no. Wilson is lying and the criminal justice system is providing cover for him.
Posted on: Wed, 26 Nov 2014 00:33:01 +0000

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