Every time I go out in public and actually interact with humans, I - TopicsExpress


Every time I go out in public and actually interact with humans, I realize how much I effing hate them....not you all, the other humans. Unless, youre the asshole who thinks he can make a left turn from the right lane and expect me to yield to him, simply because he drives a tank sized SUV. Whats the old saying its not the size of the dog in the fight, its the size of the fight in the dog. Look dude, I know the Highlander looks small to you, but Ill push your ass all the way over into the bank parking lot if you dont get behind me. Or, maybe youre the idiot that dont know how to use the self check-out, but decides to anyway. It rubs the lotion on its skin or else it gets the hose again. (Wait a minute, thats another conversation, my bad). Okay, this is simple...slide the item across the scanner, with the bar code exposed. If you hear the beep, place the item in the bagging area. If it doesnt beep do not place the item in the bagging area. How hard is that? Oh my God, this is the third time youve had to come over and clear the system for her. Please check her shit out for her or tell her to take her dumb ass over to a register with a cashier. I would go to one, but I hate when they ask how my day is going. Im in effing Wal-Mart. How the hell do you think my day is going?. Then again, you may be the bastard that takes Burger Kings slogan have it your way literal. Yes, you can have the pickles chopped up like relish and put back on the burger. Of course theyll put the onions on the side and slice the sandwich in half for you. They will do anything with your burger that you want, but please take that shit inside. You know theyre going to mess it up and have to do it a second time. This is how you order at the drive-thru...Ill have a number one with a coke. See how easy that was. Great, now that theyve told you to move forward (because they messed your order up) your dumb ass only moves forward three feet, making it impossible for me to get to the window and get my order. I just want to slash all four of your tires. I have only been out in public fifteen minutes and am already wishing I had stayed home. Its beginning to look more and more like Im going to end up living like Sean Connery in Finding Forrester.
Posted on: Sun, 06 Apr 2014 22:13:14 +0000

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