Every voice counts: were the ones weve been waiting for. Whos - TopicsExpress


Every voice counts: were the ones weve been waiting for. Whos to say that a small group of committed people cant make a difference? Throughout history, its the only thing that ever has. A new world is coming. The winds of Pentecost are blowing. The Creator and Redeemer is coming and to him we must all give account. Let us not close our eyes to how we have trashed the Garden that is on loan to us from the Creator and from all the generations that have preceded us. The world is dying for good news. Dying people cannot hear spiritual truth if they are dying of thirst or dont have enough food to eat. We need a sustainable world for the sake of those less fortunate than us. It is to a large degree a matter of the choices we make. We cannot evade responsibility. We cannot give up hope. More than half the people who have ever lived are alive today. A very small percentage of those alive today are as blessed as we. Yet those blessings are not ours to squander and use selfishly. We are blessed both in order to bless others now and to make investments to bless those who will be here in the future. Will those who come behind us find us faithful? To paraphrase Kentuckys Wendell Berry, those of us who are upstream bear a responsibility to those who are downstream. The world is not ours to exploit to death. It is on loan to us from our grandchildren and great-grandchildren. We can do better than we have done. We all make choices every day to pollute this precious planet or to help it to heal. I want to be one of the healers. Lets all step up to be good stewards. Let us sow seeds of hope for our childrens childrens children. Perhaps one of the best contributions we can make to peace is to preserve the resources the world is killing each other to exploit. Lord, make us instruments of your peace...let us sow love...
Posted on: Wed, 15 Oct 2014 12:36:46 +0000

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