Everymorning I wake up and tell myself Today Will Be The Best Day - TopicsExpress


Everymorning I wake up and tell myself Today Will Be The Best Day Of My Life! I woke up this morning feeling good and looking good for some reason I was just glowing! Then I get to work and not even a hour later. I get called in the office and get told that im FIRED! So um like huh!! You all just hired me full time last week and now all of a sudden um fired! I didnt understand what was going on! Her exscuse for firen me made no DAM! Sense so Then as soon as I walk out the office Its a white girl doing my job all I could do was smile and say WOW! I was told when first hired I wasnt gonna last long because I was the only black person but I didnt wanna think negative so I stayed positive.Usually these white folks I worked with act like they sooo crazy about me but when I gathered my things to leave I said bye to everyone! And no one said anything to me it was so fake! And my feelings were so hurt because I bust my ass everyday never been lazy! Always been a hard worker! I said all that to say before I could even get to my car my phone start ringing!!! And GOD BLESSED ME WITH A BETTER PAYING JOB MORE HOURS A GOOD SHIFT AND EVERYTHING! TEARS BEGAN TO FALL FROM MY EYES I COULD BARELY EVEN GIVE THE LADY MY INFORMATION ! I BEGAN TO GET THE HOLY GHOST ON THE PREMISIS WHERE THEY FIRED ME! I AINT STOP PRAISEN HIM YET! ALL I CAN SAY IS HE DID IT BEFORE AND HE WILL DO IT AGAIN EACH AND EVERY TIME! ALOT OF PPL FORGET JUST CUZ YOU GOING THROUGH AND THINGS ARE CHANGING YOU HAVE TO REMEMBER GOD IS STILL THE SAME AND WILL NEVER CHANGED HE SAID HE WILL DO IT AND HE DID IT!!!!! MY HUSBAND GREG CALLED ME LATE LAST NIGHT TALKIN BOUT APPLYING FOR SOME JOBS HE HAD FOUND FOR ME IT WAS LATE SO I SAID UM TIRED N DNT FEEL LIKE. IT BUT HE JUST DIDNT GIVE UP HE KEPT PUSHING ME UNTIL I DID IT! And THAT VERY SAME JOB I APPLIED FOR LAST NIGHT CALLED ME TODAY...... ALL I CAN SAY IS THANK YOU JESUS!!! YOU BEEN SO GOOD TO ME . I THANK GOD FOR BLESSING ME WITH SUCH A GOOD MAN WHO HAS MY BACK NO MATTER WHAT !#GOD IS SO GOOD TO ME!!
Posted on: Thu, 31 Oct 2013 18:34:14 +0000

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