Everyone of these events are far greater than Watergate and even - TopicsExpress


Everyone of these events are far greater than Watergate and even Nixon had the decency to resign..... 1. Obamacare lies about all of it. (helped him get re-elected) 2. Benghazi lies and cowardice (helped him get re-elected) 3. The IRS harrassing Obama opponents (helped him get re-elected) 4. The DOJ taping news media phones and threatening a reporter 5. The DOJ fast and furious gun running 6. The NSA spying on every American Overlook 7. The NSA missing the Boston Bombers and the Ft. Hood muslim terrorist shooting 8. During Sequester and government shut down you ordered make it hurt 9. Declaring you had won the war on Terrorism 10. The killing of Seal Team when you gave away the mission and gutted the equip. 11. Destroy this countrys relations with our allies 12. Becoming the laughing stock of the world .......and it goes on and on............WAKE UP AMERICA...we are about to hit the wall.
Posted on: Fri, 08 Nov 2013 16:41:03 +0000

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