Everyone who has ever served in our military can remember that - TopicsExpress


Everyone who has ever served in our military can remember that first day of boot camp. Most Marines remember the exact yellow footprints they stood on during their first moments in hell. Drill instructors screaming as we were issued uniforms at their speed. You are taught how to wear the uniform, and how short to keep your hair. Hair on the face is not allowed for many reasons such as hygiene, uniformity, and being able to wear a gas mask. When wearing the uniform you represent our military, and this country. The country men and women have died for, while wearing that uniform. Eyes are upon you all the times, like the child in the airport who looks at you in awe. The veteran who looks at you knowing you made it through the same hell. Serving our military is a privilege not a right. To earn that right you live by the code of military justice, and wear your uniform properly. Marines take great pride in the uniform, and don’t want to see a beard while you wear it. That uniform plays a huge roll in why some join the service. If you want to wear a beard go join a military who will allow it. If your religious beliefs won’t allow you to shave the military is not for you. The military has a chaplain for every religion but we all have the same dress code. When someone serves in our military our military doesn’t serve them. There are those that say they have religious rights not to shave their beards. As a civilian they are correct but in the military they are not. You earn the privilege of wearing the uniform and required to wear it properly. Everyone who has served has the right to look at that uniform with pride knowing you wear it correctly. Every Marine has the right to see you in your dress blues with a shaven face to fill it. We have a right to see everyone respect the uniform we earned the right to wear. Marines are proud of their country, and proud to have earned the title of United States Marine. That uniform belongs to this country, and not to anyone who wants to change it. If you wish to keep your beard stay away from our military. If you go to boot camp the first thing they will do is shave it… Semper Fi
Posted on: Thu, 16 Oct 2014 11:27:32 +0000

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