Everything Designed Has A Designer The design of the human body - TopicsExpress


Everything Designed Has A Designer The design of the human body demands the existence of a designer. Have you ever pondered all thats involved in the simple act of seeing? Scientists tell us that the delicate engineering of the eyes cornea and lens make the most advanced camera seem like a childs toy by comparison. The tiny rods and cones in the eye change light into electro-chemical impulses through processes the most sophisticated laboratory cant reproduce. And brain cells transform these electrical impulses into the miracle of perception-something no high-tech computer can come close to doing. Engineering, chemistry, information processing-all are involved every time we open our eyes. Charles Darwin once stated that the thought of the eye, and how it could possibly be produced by natural selection, made him ill. Heres why. The human eye could not have evolved over long periods of time, because it is absolutely useless unless complete. The lens, which focuses light, would be useless without the retina, which senses light. And all the light received would serve no purpose without the nerve fibers which carry signals to the brain. Vision involves a complete system of organs-all interrelated, all thoroughly designed. Thats the way it is with the whole human body. Lungs and heart, nerves and muscles, all perform incredibly complicated tasks that depend on other incredibly complicated tasks. No wonder the Psalmist concluded that the human body speaks loud and clear of a wonderful Creator: I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well.- Psalm 139:14.(Unless otherwise noted, all Scriptural texts in the DISCOVER guides are from the New International Version of the Bible [NIV].) We dont have to go far to find the works of God. The evidence right in our own bodies points to an infinitely skillful designer. If you were to mark ten coins from one to ten, place them in your pocket, shake them around, and then pull each one out and put it back in your pocket one by one, what is the likelihood you could do so in exact numerical sequence? By mathematical law you have only one chance in ten billion of taking them out in order from one to ten. Now consider the chances of a stomach, brain, heart, lungs, arteries, veins, kidneys, ears, eyes, and teeth all developing together and beginning to function at the same moment in time. What is the most reasonable explanation for the design of the human body? Then God said, Let us make man in our image, in our likeness, . . . SO GOD CREATED MAN IN HIS OWN IMAGE, in the image of God he created him; male and female he created them.- Genesis 1:26, 27. The first man and woman could not just have happened. The Bible affirms that God designed us in His image. He is the great Engineering Intelligence who thought us up and brought us into being.
Posted on: Tue, 12 Nov 2013 18:16:50 +0000

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