Everytime I come to Dubai, I go back home heartbroken. Jealous. - TopicsExpress


Everytime I come to Dubai, I go back home heartbroken. Jealous. Mad at the sight of a city thats just a teaser, a reminder of what we could have been. What we will never be except for the empathy of a miracle. What we couldnt be in hundreds of years what others were able to be in just a couple. Just imagine, for a second there. Imagine Lebanon with a preserved heritage, organized buildings that stand side by side on grids and maps away from the dishevelled chaos. Imagine the old train stations renovated, with functional rails leading you from the reforested mountains to the sea which no longer hosts untreated sewers. Imagine sea transit and tours from one city to another. Imagine trees forced to live. Imagine the fertile soil not abused, but properly used for healthy plantation. Imagine the beaches publically opened. Imagine investments in parking spaces. Imagine tourists flooding in the no-longer-deserted downtown. Imagine if souvernir shops were a possible business, and so were tourist guides. Imagine a place that thrives with investments and a city that holds a promising future. Imagine order, and most importantly respect for your time and your being. Imagine ethical behaviour between people reflected by a proper attitude towards themselves and towards others. Imagine all the possibilities that I could keep listing. Just imagine. And now lets take a second to realize how impossible that is becoming; a second to highlight the fact that we are still searching for homes far away from the turmoil in our country as we are forced to accept that change is becoming harder by the second, and those who dream of it almost always are silenced in one way or another. A second to deal with a country that keeps falling apart day by day right before our eyes as we stand helpless, guided into the anonymous by merciless and greedy leaders that we have elected to work against us, as other nations exploit our wasted time to rise higher and higher. Fake? Yes, Dubai is all fake, but if fake is what gets countries here, then lets give up our pride of being real, maybe well stand a chance. Dont tell me Im being negative or that we are the change, I know all that, and I will keep on trying till the last second, but never in my life have I been cynical towards my country. Sadly, the facts and figures dont leave you much of an option. Heartbreaking, no? J.G.
Posted on: Sun, 23 Mar 2014 08:12:23 +0000

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