Excuse me. Ladies? Why are you trying so hard to mold that boy - TopicsExpress


Excuse me. Ladies? Why are you trying so hard to mold that boy into a man? You cannot and should not force someone to change for you. Even though your intentions may seem good and pure. Theyre not. Theyre selfish. You want him to be the last so bad youre willing to shape his personality into one that is compatible with your own. Making excuses for his behavior because one day 3 years ago he took you on the best date ever. OR if he would just stop doing this or that everything would be fine. Did you tell him it bothered you? Did you tell him it hurt when he talked to you that way or didnt talk to you this way? I mean without screaming or breaking things. Did you honest to goodness sit his ass down and tell him. Oh. you did? Its been a few months and nothing is better. Then you have two options. You can learn to accept these character flaws and continue loving them all the same or you pack your things quietly and leave. There are seven BILLION people on this planet. What makes you think there isnt already a man out there that does exactly what you want when you want him to without you having to nag for weeks? Why do you have to settle for this one? WHY ARE YOU TRYING TO CHANGE THIS ONE? Let go. Just let go. The loneliness will be almost unbearable and youll probably have to force yourself to stop calling, but someday, someone, somewhere will find you. Stop settling. Stop clinging to the past or hoping for a future we all know isnt going to happen but are too afraid to tell you.. Im not. Hes not it, HE IS NOT IT. The world isnt going to end when you leave. Youll find time keeps moving forward all the same, and time has a way of making it hurt less.
Posted on: Mon, 29 Sep 2014 18:32:37 +0000

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